Yet another: Is my first setup ok?


Iam new to ADS-B feeding and want to ask, if my first setup is sufficient enough to work reliable.

I have the Pro Plus stick with the FA 1090 antenna and a Low-Less 1m antenna cable (EcoFlex 10). The main system is an RPi3B+ with lite bookworm (non PiAware image) and latest piaware and dump1090-fa.

Some images below (autoGain enabled) is this a good start? Thanks in advance!

leave it running for 24 hrs, then you can determine if it is ok. The percentage of strong messages looks a little high, do you have an airport or mobile transmission towers nearby ?

There is a mobile transmission station inside the same city, maybe 1km away.

If the number of strong messages stays above 5% then you might want to consider to use a barrel filter in order to filter the unwanted mobile GSM messages out of your reception.

Thanks, but I thought such filter is inside the Pro Plus stick?

That’s correct but the filter is behind the built-in amplifier.
This means the signals are all amplified and that overloads the filter resulting in a higher percentage of strong messages.

By placing a filter in front of the amplifier you enhance the desired signals and this will reduce the number of unwanted signals.

Makes sense.

Wouldnt it be better to have the orange Pro stick without the inbuilt filter? or is it harmless to have the filter before and inside the receiver stick?

Thanks so far! :smiley:

I only have the blue ones with additional barrel fitlers in front of it, an additonal filter inside doesn’t harm performance :slight_smile:
When you have a location without external interference you don’t need a filter but those locations are rare :slight_smile:


Based on yours stats page, it looks like you reported 209,000 positions and 1,800 aircraft to Flight Aware, with good reception out to 160nm. I think your setup works just fine.


Thanks! :slight_smile: Sounds good. And it looks good as well. I will try the filter anyway and watch what changes.

One question. Does it matter where the bandpass filter is installed? before or after cable?


Antenna - Filter - 30cm Coax - USB receiver
- or -
Antenna - 30cm Coax - Filter - USB receiver


Not an expert on this, but my understanding is you want as much signal coming down the cable as possible and then filter anything out closer to your SDR. So: Antenna - coax - filter - receiver.

Though to be honest, I don’t think it’ll matter if you’re only using 30cm of cable.

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Antenna - 30cm Coax - Filter - USB receiver would be the desired setup this enables you to switch cables without disconnecting the dongle and/or filter from each other :wink:

The FA antenna has an N type connector and your cable has an N connector and SMA connector. The filter has SMA connectors and can only be fitted one way, male side to the SDR, female side towards the cable.

This way you can manipulate the cable and antenna and the dongle and filter can remain seated in your Raspberry Pi or whatever equipment you want to use


I will replace the the whole case to gain more space and do antenna - cable - filter - usb dongle.

I decrease the 1m coax with a 25cm one and will make tests with and without filter.

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