Why do you use dump1090-mutability?

A question for those who use dump1090-mutability: Why do you use dump1090-mutability in preference to dump1090-fa?

Is there a feature in dump1090-mutability that’s not present in dump1090-fa?
Do you prefer the old web interface?
Do you prefer the debconf-style configuration to editing files in /etc/default directly?
Is there a perceived difference in performance?
Some other reason?

a. because of the graphs
b. flexibility installing different feeders.
c. web admin page / parameterizing.
d. and the editing in /etc/default (eg easily add --modeac without having to bother with /usr/lib piaware files.)


ED I suggest to fellow users in order to keep this thread short, to upvote my post -if they agree - or add their own additional comments in a separate post, then Oliver can just count the…likes and posts.

I do not know if a ‘voting’ feature exist in this site, I find it beneficial to all.

ED2 seems there is interest in users @shogooda and @bramjacobse work, why
not offer option 2D / 3D too ?


I use both
One Pi has dump1090-fa - Better GUI (SkyView)
Other has dump1090-mutability ver 1.15~dev - Flexible in manually changing setting and other manual manipulations.

Compared to dump-fa, dump-mutability has more control by user, and less control by software provider. Same reason people prefer Linux over Windows/Mac


Do you mean the ADS-B Receiver Project? I had dump1090-mutability installed stand-alone before, and do not remember the features you list.

’ Do you mean the ADS-B Receiver Project? ’

correct ! Joe Prochazka’s scripts.

Ok…I did not miss anything then.


Add performance graphs to the image. The Piaware installation/configuration is the best of the bunch, graphs would make it even better.

That was not your question, I know.:grin:

I’m confused what extra settings are available with dump1090 that dump1090-fa does not have?
Also i changed gain in /etc/default/dump1090-fa what is the /usr/lib part someone referenced?
Are you talking about the webinterface in /usr/share ?

One thing i don’t like is the fat bar at the top i don’t have that big a screen.

I’m using a modified dump1090-fa version that has two new settings:
json-history-size and json-history-interval.
I’ve wanted to make a pull request but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I will now though as it seems you are working on it right now :slight_smile:

Also have a patch for planeObject.js in the webinterface. I’ve given the segments a track and basically don’t add as many line segments when the track does not change but append more segments when the track changes.
That saves on CPU quite a bit when “show all tracks” is selected.
Also i only add a new line segment for every 400 ft in altitude change right now it appends even for 25 ft of change.

On the other hand it might be faster for you to just implement such changes yourself if you think they would be a good addition :slight_smile:

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I use the Performance Graphs with dump1090-fa, no need to install mu for that???

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with separate collectd / rrd installation ? I did not find it in the FA SD image.

I second that…

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is the folder where the piaware files are. as settings are reset with every reboot
if permanent changes needed (port, --modeac etc) then user must go looking hard
and alter parameters.
in Joe’s scripts this is easily accomplished.


I think you are confusing the PiAware sdcard image with dump1090-fa. I’m really asking about just dump1090-fa vs dump1090-mutability here. (neither version does graphs / web admin or does any feeding to FA etc, and both are configurable out of etc)

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no confusion at all. dump-fa is both in the FA SD card image and the raspbian image.
when I am talking ‘mutability’ I am referring to Joe Prochazka’s ADSB Project - dump1090-mutability which does have the graphs and the admin feature and choice between v1,15 and fa.
is there another mutability ?

I have a FA sdcard install, and added the performance graphs via jproch scripts…

True, those are not 1090 features.

But… There is the PiAware card. Then there is manual installation of dump1090-fa/PiAware in a normal Pi. And then is Joe’s script (that adds functionality).
What bothers me is that the three versions are all acting different and I have to find documentation for each of them.
So once I got used to one, I am not tempted to switch.
I moved to Joe’s script because I wanted to add UAT 978MHz reception on the same Pi. Now I abandoned that, but I got used of changing the gain, etc.

exactly ! same here thanks to @abcd567.

Ok, in my case, that means I am using dump1090fa

dump1090mu is a different decoder with a different web display (2 clocks?), it has nothing to do with the things jproch has added, I think

I mean GitHub - mutability/dump1090: Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices, which is one of the decoder options that Joe’s scripts can install.


Still not an answer to your question per se, but I would like the option to add airline logos and silhouettes to the list on the right side of the map. Also, the option to display the registration on the list while the map is also displayed. Right now, to the best of my knowledge, registration is displayed on the list only when the map is not displayed.


I think we should start referring to dump1090-mutability, in the context of the ADS-B Receiver Project, as dump1090-functionality.:wink:

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