I have developed a FIDS system for a local airport.
At the beginning of each morning I am calling the ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’ from the FlightXML2 API with origin=YWHA and date range filter to get the departures from the Whyalla Airport and subsequently call the same API with destination=YWHA and date filter to get the arrivals. This is working well!
I would then like to periodically (using a timer) make an API call (or multiple calls if necessary) to check if there are any delays or cancellations etc.
What do you suggest is the most efficient API method to achieve this?
Note: at the moment I am calling ‘FlightInfo’ using the ident= filter for each flight that was returned from the ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’ API call however I noted that all results that are to do with departure times are always the same and don’t ever seem to reflect a delay (even though in some cases I know for sure that there was a delay as reported from the airport staff) but for the arrivals the ‘estimatedarrivaltime’ result gives me exactly what I need – I also don’t get the ‘status’ (eg. On time, delayed, cancelled, etc.) from any of the API calls I’ve tried, is there such an API call for these?
I appreciate any assistance on this.
Using the information found in AirlineFlightSchedules, the ident@departuretime
can be passed as an ident parameter to FlightInfoEx. This will result in FlightInfoEx always returning the unique flight instance represented by the ident and departure time instead of having to page through FlightInfo to find the correct flight.
The fields like actualdeparturetime
and estimatedarrivaltime
will be updated as more information becomes available.
Further information was included in the FlightXML3 equivalent call FlightInfoStatus. Using the same input will also include filed, estimated and actual arrival/departure times as well as a friendly status message.
Thanks for getting back to me on this.
I explored the option of using FlightXML3 but the pricing structure doesn’t suit my application.
Anyway FlightXML2 is ok but the only issue I’m having now is that when I call ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’ from API using FlightXML2 using the dates and destination filters (for Whyalla Airport - YWHA) it returns 6 flights, one of which is Qantas flight QLK2071
This is all fine and works as expected, however when I call the ‘FlightInfoEx’ from API using FlightXML2 using the ident= filter for the flight QLK2071 nothing is returned, this also occurs for QLK2072 but not for QLK2070 – all other flights that were returned from the ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’ results are fine.
Please advise.
Stefano Princi
Mobile: 0404 101 528
Email: s.princi@codedynamics.com.au
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Hi again,
Further to my previous email you can see evidence here of what I’m talking about;
https://flightaware.com/live/flight/QLK2071 (no info on the flight)
https://www.google.com.au/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU771AU771&ei=kQk7W43AOIrS0ASV54y4CA&q=qantas+flight+2071&oq=qantas+flight+2071&gs_l=psy-ab.3…33i160k1.56540.56718.0.57141.…0…1c.1.64.psy-ab…1.1.255…0.3V_B9x_cVB0 (there is info on this flight)
Stefano Princi
Mobile: 0404 101 528
Email: s.princi@codedynamics.com.au
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Thanks for getting back to me on this.
I explored the option of using FlightXML3 but the pricing structure doesn’t suit my application.
Anyway FlightXML2 is ok but the only issue I’m having now is that when I call ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’ from API using FlightXML2 using the dates and destination filters (for Whyalla Airport - YWHA) it returns 6 flights, one of which is Qantas flight QLK2071
This is all fine and works as expected, however when I call the ‘FlightInfoEx’ from API using FlightXML2 using the ident= filter for the flight QLK2071 nothing is returned, this also occurs for QLK2072 but not for QLK2070 – all other flights that were returned from the ‘AirlineFlightSchedules’ results are fine.
Evidence can be found here;
https://flightaware.com/live/flight/QLK2071 (no info on the flight)
https://www.google.com.au/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU771AU771&ei=kQk7W43AOIrS0ASV54y4CA&q=qantas+flight+2071&oq=qantas+flight+2071&gs_l=psy-ab.3…33i160k1.56540.56718.0.57141.…0…1c.1.64.psy-ab…1.1.255…0.3V_B9x_cVB0 (there is info on this flight)
Please advise.
Stefano Princi
Mobile: 0404 101 528
Email: s.princi@codedynamics.com.au
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