Where is the Unique ID stored? Since I’m installing to an existing machine, I need the unique ID to get this new receiver associated. They say it’s in the config? But not the one I see.
ps: I did find the -showall command, but the only “id” in the list is a “feeder-id” and it lists as unset!
It’s on your feeder stats page
Since the feed isn’t working because my receiver isn’t associated with the FA servers, there won’t be any stat’s right - because the server’s don’t know yet that my receiver is trying to talk to them. (I’m being turned down because I don’t have an ID!).
I need to find the Unique ID on the local install - I’m not even sure where it comes from, the FA support staff didn’t know either. They just suggested I post here.
If you have an older site you want to reuse, look at the stats page for that site to find the feeder ID.
Otherwise, there’s nothing to reuse. A new feeder ID is allocated automatically when you first connect a piaware install that doesn’t have a feeder ID assigned or configured. piaware-status
will show you the assigned ID after the initial connection has happened.
Are you perhaps trying to associate the new feeder with your user account (i.e. claim the site)?
What is output of following command?
ping -c 3 piaware.flightaware.com
YES. Sorry for the frustration, but I’ve been saying that to Tech Support all along. (I have a couple of tickets and messages linked here.) I installed the system and the automatic claim process DID NOT WORK. I’ve been asking how to get a Feeder-ID so that I can associate with the servers - tech support on the chat line said they could associate my feed if I could give them my UNIQUE ID. So how do I get a Unique ID??
Does the output of any of following commands show feeder id?
sudo piaware-config -show feeder-id
cat /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id
cat /etc/piaware.conf
sudo journalctl -u piaware | grep "feeder ID"
$ sudo piaware-config -show feeder-id
$ cat /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id
cat: /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id: No such file or directory
$ cat /etc/piaware.conf
This file configures piaware and related software.
You can edit it directly or use piaware-config from the command line
to view and change settings.
If /boot/piaware-config.txt also exists, then settings present in
that file will override settings in this file.
allow-auto-updates yes # updated by fa_piaware_config
allow-manual-updates yes # updated by fa_piaware_config
$ sudo journalctl -u piaware | grep “feeder ID”
When I run “piaware-config -showall” I see what appears to be all of the configuration parameters, but the ‘feeder-id’ shows “”
Please post output of following command. It will output piaware log which will help in finding what went wrong.
sudo journalctl -u piaware -e
To properly format and make it easy to read, please type [code] above the first line you copy-paste, and [/code] below the last line of code you copy-paste. Like below
Output line 1
Output line 2
Output line 3
Output line n
The feeder ID is allocated when a new piaware first connects to the FlightAware servers.
If you have no feeder ID present in /var/cache
et al then piaware is not managing to connect (or perhaps is not running at all), and you’ll need to solve that problem first.
What is the output of piaware-status
Also, what is the output of
ip link show
As advised by @obj, please post output of diagnostic command sudo piaware-status
It will reveal what is going on with your piaware.
As an example, below is output of command “sudo piaware-status
” for my station 76000 (no issues, running normally)
ps: I repeated this message, I’m not sure my first one got through, sorry for the duplication if you got both.
Here - I specifically emphasize the last line and the thing that strikes me as the primary cause:
PiAware master process (piaware) is not running.
PiAware ADS-B client (faup1090) is not running.
PiAware ADS-B UAT client (faup978) is not running (disabled by configuration settings)
PiAware mlat client (fa-mlat-client) is not running.
Local ADS-B receiver (dump1090-fa) is running with pid 796.
dump1090-fa (pid 796) is listening for ES connections on port 30005.
faup1090 is NOT connected to the ADS-B receiver.
piaware is NOT connected to FlightAware.
dump1090 is producing data on localhost:30005.
You don’t have a feeder ID yet.
Above is not so important, as it is consequence of the real important thing shown below i.e. “piaware is not running”
To enable us to debug why Piaware is not running, please post outputs of following commands
uname -a
lsb_release -a
apt-cache policy piaware
Are you trying to install on a pi-star?
If so these posts might help:
Thank you - I will research that further as it is exactly what I was hoping to accomplish. I have decided to abandon this approach as it is taking way too much time - and the best intentions have sent me running in circles. I am going a different direction - and currently have my receiver up and reporting already. Now I need to see if I can move it to the host running the Pi-Star!
Try this:
sudo cat /boot/piaware-config.txt
I had a similar problem when my raspberry card fried along with my SD memory card. I was able to restart everything under the same feeder-id.
My feeder-id is written in that file at the end.
For every feeder i have registered in the past, i received a mail which showed me the ID
Did you check there?