Please don’t get me wrong this is a nice site, cool technology, good support in building a Pi, but where is the live data that we transmit to Flightaware located at? I don’t mean the line by line of the aircraft data in a textual format.
I might be mistaken in understanding it but I was under the impression that there would be a map with the planes on it moving showing their headings, altitude, speed, etc. like what is available on “” and several other sites.
I understand that one can enter in their “Common network” the IP address and watch their data, but what about everyone else s data? It said for doing the work and spending the $$ that we would be given access to the site, a retail value of $89/mo so what would the person/company that purchased the $89/mo subscription be receiving? Textual lines on a web page or a moving map with the flight data and location of the planes?
Does Flightaware have this same feature of the map with the planes on it? If so, where is our uploaded data visible at?