I used to be able to see all VFR flights using FF and APR andCenter. I cannot be them anymore. The last flight I can see that was VFR was about 11 weeks. ago. No flight plans were filed the flights I used to see were simply flights under VFR using TUL APR and MEM CTR to RAZORBACK APR.
My son and my self have made a number of flights during the last 2 months where we are in the system on VFR flight following, the latest flight was a 3 hour filght From Southern California to Sacramento CA at 8500 feet and no tracking on that flight or the return flight 4 days later where we made it back in 2.25 hours. I was talking to So Cal and passed off to each approch control on the way up and back. We were never out of contact at anytime.
The last flight that was tracted on our plane was on 10/10/10 and onlyone half of the flight was tracked.
I also use to be notified on my cell phone when the plane was logged into the syetem as well. I was keeping track on my son.
I wonder if the are they only tracking IFR flights now? I also noticed this with the other tracking programs out their.
VFR flight tracking was always outside the scope of our data feed from the FAA, but it used to work intermittently (generally longer flights handled by center). On August 22, 2010 the FAA performed a major upgrade on their systems we haven’t seen many VFR flights since.
I made a VFR flight Thursday that was tracked: flightaware.com/live/flight/N240 … /KMHT/KFRG . However, the flight before wasn’t tracked for some reason. Possibly because on the return I requested flight following from clearance delivery while still on the ground at a Class C airport?
If you depart VFR from an airport that is in a Class C airspace you will be able to track the flight. If you are doing VFR flight following or even landing VFR in a class C you will not be able to track the flight.
The difference when you are departing VFR in clacc v the Controller is forced to log the tail# in the computer to be able to provide clearance.
Thanks to some petitioning of the FAA, it appears that tracking VFR Flight Following is largely back. We’re interested in reports of flights with VFRFF that were not tracked.
Hi, student pilot, just finished my first night XC flight. I flew N54859 out of MKY via X01 and TNT to OPF and back. I got flight following from Fort Myers departure on the way out and had it the whole flight. They gave me a new transponder code at OPF for the return flight. This being my first night cross-country, I was hoping to see it on flightaware, but alas! The last tracked flight for that plane is 23 weeks ago.
You asked for reports where VFR FF wasn’t tracked, so there you have it.
Yesterday’s flight with VFR flight following was apparently not tracked. N9228J departed KHKS (located within Jackson, MS class C) at 20:30Z and obtained VFR flight following from Hawkins Ground direct to KUTA.
Return flight departed KUTA at 00:30Z and VFR flight following was obtained from Memphis Class B when airborne. Neither flight appears on FlightAware.
For what it’s worth, in 8 years, I never was tracked VFR in Flight Aware when departing out of KMBO and requesting FF through KJAN. (was based at KMBO before selling my plane).
I flew out of PNS yesterday(11:30 EST) to Cross City KCTY.
I was on departure control and handed off along the E-W VFR corridor
handed to Tallahassee approach and ended up with JAX control.
Did the reverse about 13 days previous and nothing showed up on flight aware for either flight.
I did a VFR flight on 1/2/11 from TMB (Tamiami Airport) to EYW (Key West Int’l) and back and neither segment showed up on flightaware. The tail number was N53589. I had flight following both to and from Key West.
While I was in the air on Friday, I was being tracked and saw it first hand from the air. After I landed, the entire track was displayed.
As of today, the only track being displayed is with my last handoff with KMEM center and KJAN approach. The first 2/3rds of the flight is gone.
Also, does the VFR flight tracks NOT get logged to the history? My KOLV to KTUP and return doesn’t show up in the history and it was tracked while I was in the air.