I’m trying to track down several flights I was a crew member on and I used to be able to type in the URL for any flight based on DATE/TIME/DEP/ARR
The key was knowing the Zulu time of the scheduled departure. I have this information on my company records but I see the following on my end
Scheduled DEP : 0330z
Actual DEP: 0337z
It was 90 min late from the ORIGINAL scheduled departure of 0210z
None of these work. The flight URL comes up with 0413z.
btw … I didn’t guess. This is an example flight I am trying to reverse to find how FlightAware is coding their URL these days. It has always been scheduled Zulu departure but I can’t make heads or tails of a URL that has a time AFTER the scheduled time
Any ideas?
An example of what I am looking for is this flight GTI8189 but on 03/31/23
If it helps the tail number is N641GT