Unusual Peak in Charts

This is from obj, he confirms this added postion count :wink: and yes you could increase your postion count but not the aircraft count. That’s why the ranking sometimes can be off from reality

objFlightAware Staff

Jul 16

While you’re viewing SkyAware Anywhere, piaware sends positions at a higher rate to improve the track quality you see. This is expected.

The count reported by the server-side stats is a count of summary reports sent to the FlightAware servers. These reports summarize recent information received; they do not correspond 1:1 to messages from the aircraft.

The rate at which they’re emitted varies depending on what the aircraft is doing. e.g. an aircraft flying in a straight line at FL350 might only generate a report once every 30 seconds; an aircraft that’s flying a pattern at 1500ft might be reporting once a second.

When you’re viewing Skyaware Anywhere the report rate is scaled up so that you don’t have large gaps in the displayed tracks for aircraft that otherwise wouldn’t generate reports very often.

If you’re interested in collecting the raw message or position rate seen by your receiver I’d recommend wiedehopf’s excellent graphs1090