I would have suggested to check for rain or ice in the antenna connector but you said you checked it.
If the antenna is indoors, then one of my setups drops about this much when I turn the TV on(It is behind the bedroom TV in corner). Maybe another source of electrical noise.
What are the atmospheric conditions where you are located? The problem seem to have occurred around sunrise. Is this the first winter your system has been through? If not, do you remember seeing a condition like this last year?
Did you forget to put on the tinfoil hat? (Sorry, had to ask.)
You may want to check with nearby feeders to see if their graphs resemble yours on the stats page.
It has been raining, and it is probably the coldest rain we have had. It has been colder, and it has rained harder. This is the first winter I have been in business.
Wore the tin hat when I inspected what I could of antenna, but I could not get at the connections, just ensured it was still vertical and attached.
A cold rain could certainly be the culprit. All feeders in your area should be experiencing similar issues (again, I don’t know where you are or your ID so I can only speculate.)
Ask anyone with satellite TV about rain fade. This may be all it is. Maybe tomorrow will tell.
Are all the connections taped (self fusing) up? I had a similar problem with a small amount of water finding it’s way into the base of the antenna (N-Connector). I had it wrapped, but a small portion of the tape split during the summer months and evidenced some corrosion. Subsequently dabbed a bit of dielectric silicon on the connector and re-taped without issue. Messages took a big hit. Not saying that’s what happened, but worth looking at closer.
Looking at different data this morning, and I was OK until the 10:00 hour. (Consistent with other weekdays). I was the only one home so this was a passive failure of some sort. It “has” to be a failure such as you describe. I certainly meant to tape things properly, but,… something went wrong. I will replaces all the tape once it stops raining, AND I will use dielectric grease. I did not use the grease initially. Thanks to all responders.
Went out this morning and worked on a couple of connections where wiring comes into house. One oozed water. Got it dried out and temporarilty rewrapped (I have some better stuff coming next week). The affect was immediate! Thanks for input!
My thoughts and experiences say don’t mess with anything to do with an antenna or feed line for any problem that fast. Propagation. local noise, or intermodulation products are subject to correct themselves.
If you continue to have short run problems and do not already have a filter such as shown on the build your own ads page, I would suggest you obtain one and try.