Trying to change WiFi access points - Piaware-Config.txt ignored?

Running PiAware SD card image 8.2 on a PiZeroW. All working fine but trying to simply use a different access point that is within range.

Edit the Piaware-Config.txt file in the usual manner, reboot and it still connects to the old access point.

SSH into the Pi using iwgetid and it shows to be attached to the old access point.

if I sudo piaware-config it shows the wireless switches as they are in the Piaware-Config file.

Why is the Piaware-Config file being ignored?

Best Regards,
Houston, TX

My guess, the OS has a copy of the old SSID and password, and is using the cashed info instead.

You may need to search the drive for the SSID and delete the information. This link may help:

Thanks, astrodeveloper, that did the trick!

Apparently, the WiFi settings were located here:


I suspect the reason why is that I imaged the card using the Raspberry Pi Imager and not Etcher. I was never able to get Etcher to work, on any PC…?


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The program used to program a SD card just follows rules to copy the image to the SD card. My guess, perhaps a problem between your PC operating system and the copy program.
I have been using Win32DiskImager-0.9.5-binary to image my SD cards. It works well on my old Win7 laptop. Use whatever program that works on your system.
Since the first access point was remembered by the system, it just kept using it. If the system could not connect to the old system, it probably would have used the one in the piaware-configure file.
Glad to hear you found the wpa_supplicant.conf file. Have fun with your system.

That would be the regular place on Raspberry OS (where the Piaware image is created from). I am assuming the file is created on initial install via piaware-config.txt and not changed after you modified that file.

That is normally not working. Linux is not “guessing” what could be right or wrong.