Time Sensitive - Flight Aware didn't pick my departure up


Currently in Meridian. Flight Aware doesn’t show my departure out of KMBO.

Must be a FAA issue? Doesn’t show up in FBOWeb either.

I went through Center and was assigned a national squawk code.

Learned this through my wife who was concerned that something changed since she got the flight file alert and nothing else. (naturally)

IFR plan returning should be in the system for my return. DUAT shows my 15:30 departure was sent, but not in Flight Aware

Yea, FAA issue, 2 hour ASDI outage this morning. :frowning:

Thanks Mark,

My flight path from MEI shows up.

Only thing outstanding would be flight alerts. My wife didn’t get my departure out of MEI or arrival alert into KMBO.

Maybe that’s been fixed since my arrival back into KMBO?


Disregard the above. Looks to be a Verizon service carrier problem. I have another person that just told me they got all alerts posted in my manage alerts portion of Flight Aware.

It shows successfully delivered yet I looked on my wife’s phone and she only received this mornings outbound flight plan filed and my departure from KMEI. So I don’t know what gives.

Something tells me the remainder of the alerts will come in Xmas or shortly afterwards :smiley:

We delivered it to Verizon’s mail server (and they accepted it), but they may have delays in their email to sms gateway or sms delivery.