That box it might be on the Sprint network. That’s why I specifically used the LTE SIM’s, because those are on AT&T.
Check coverage with:
Also, I used to create a virtual network (apk installed on phone, exe on PC), so I could remote access (SSH) the Pi and its web pace.
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I wonder if someone tried to make a passive ADSB repeater for bending around obstacles, as is done for television.
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What I did in old country for TV I had two Yagi antennas on a top of a hill, countryside. One pointing to the direction of the TV relay and the other down, in opposite direction, in the valley were some houses were with no signal.
The antennas connected just passively with a coax cable.
That worked OK, but with some noise on image.
We added an amplifier (wide band) and an old 12V car battery. That did a big difference, and the battery needed recharged once a week or so. Since the TV program wasn’t non-stop, you could haul that battery at home (on a bike) and charge it over night.
Since the ADS-B signals are strictly regulated, the active variant might be illegal. I don’t see what issues would be with a passive arrangement.
The active variant does not make sense. With power (like a solar panel), it makes sense to install a Adsb receiver and organize a channel to the Internet.
For example, cheap TL-WA5110G can be turned into Ubiquiti Nanostation 2 (it is necessary to replace a flash memory chip and flash Nanostation 2 firmware). With special antennas, two such stations can provide a WiFi channel up to 20 km (by line of sight).
A preamplifier takes some 20-50 mA to work. Let’s say 100mA. That’s 0.5W of solar power, very easy to provide.
A whole Pi and receiver uses 15W of power. Add a WiFi stick and you are over that.
Way bigger, more expensive solar panel, bigger battery for overnight use, bigger box, bigger temptation to be stolen.
As an option is needed a downconverter which converts 1090 MHz, for example, into 433MHz. And, accordingly, a adsb-station must receive a radio signal at 433MHz frequency instead 1090Mz.
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I came to a conclusion that it is unreal. Too broadband channel has adsb.
The real way to make an active repeater is a OpenWrt router+RTLSDR+WiFi link.
TL-MR3020+RTLSDR = 2.5 Watt.
Haha, my first read was “For Mobile Piracy”!