Tar1090, custom distance circles?

Do you know if there is any setting to define the distance circles to modify the default 50-100-150 setting and if possible add a 4th circle.


Range rings are either on or off. There are no other settings.

In dump1090fa they are under /usr/share/skyaware/html/config.js
Not sure if tar1090 is similar.

SiteCircles = true; // true to show circles (only shown if the center marker is>
// In miles, nautical miles, or km (depending settings value ‘DisplayUnits’)
DefaultSiteCirclesCount = 3;
DefaultSiteCirclesBaseDistance = 100;
DefaultSiteCirclesInterval = 50;

Thank you, I wanted to add a 2nm circle around my home together with the default circles, but I see they are not individually defined.

I’d like to have that circle because I’ fine tunning a program that monitors aircraft entering this circle and sends me a voice message describing flight details.


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Looks like you can do this in tar1090. The following is an extract from


// Also called range rings :)
//SiteCircles = true; // true to show circles (only shown if the center marker is shown)
// In miles, nautical miles, or km (depending settings value 'DisplayUnits')
//SiteCirclesDistances = new Array(100,150,200,250);
// When more circles defined than cirle colors last color will be used or black by default
//SiteCirclesColors = ['#FF0000', '#0000FF', '#00FF00'];
// Show circles using dashed line (CAUTION, can be slow, especially when zooming in a lot)
//SiteCirclesLineDash = [5, 5]; // null - solid line, [5, 5] - dashed line with 5 pixel lines and spaces in between```

Thanks!!! worked perfectly. Exactly what I was looking for.

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Sure, you need to edit the config.js file on your device.
The content of it should be self explaining as @JRG1956 mentioned in the previous post

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