I swapped/replaced the feeder hardware but don’t want two sets of data and would like them to combine for the 9 months of history. Will that happen automatically or will I need to do something to combine them? sites 5173/(new)12093. My web/forum searches are coming up dry on answers. When the new Pi came online it was tagged as a second site. Thank you for any replies.
Feeders are tracked by MAC address so new hardware means a new site and your stats will not combine. Now if you are not going to use the old hardware again, or give it to someone else you could forge your old MAC address onto the new hardware so you will keep your old feeder stats.
Change the MAC address of an Ethernet interface permanently
To permanently change MAC address of an Ethernet interface you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces configuration file and use hwaddress directive:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# Network interfaces
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hwaddress ether 08:00:00:00:00:01
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
Reboot or reconfigure network interfaces by hand:
$ sudo service networking restart
MAC Changer
MAC Changer is a utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces.
Install it using command:
$ sudo apt-get install macchanger
Set random vendor MAC address of the same kind:
$ sudo macchanger -a eth0
Permanent MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
Current MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
New MAC: 00:0e:37:5b:d7:31 (Harms & Wende Gmbh & Co.kg)
Set random vendor MAC address of any kind:
$ sudo macchanger -A eth0
Permanent MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
Current MAC: 00:0e:37:5b:d7:31 (Harms & Wende Gmbh & Co.kg)
New MAC: 00:24:18:22:02:4b (Nextwave Semiconductor)
Set specific MAC address:
$ sudo macchanger -m 02:02:02:00:00:01 eth0
Permanent MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
Current MAC: 00:24:18:22:02:4b (Nextwave Semiconductor)
New MAC: 02:02:02:00:00:01 (unknown)
Set fully random MAC:
$ sudo macchanger -r eth0
Permanent MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
Current MAC: 02:02:02:00:00:01 (unknown)
New MAC: f6:61:c0:6a:14:66 (unknown)
Set another MAC address of the same vendor:
$ sudo macchanger -e eth0
Permanent MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
Current MAC: f6:61:c0:6a:14:66 (unknown)
New MAC: f6:61:c0:53:a0:5f (unknown
Revert to the default MAC address:
$ sudo macchanger -p eth0
Permanent MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
Current MAC: f6:61:c0:53:a0:5f (unknown)
New MAC: 84:8f:69:b0:fa:0a (unknown)
I appreciate the reply. I’ll give it a try. Great information! Thanks.