Status indicators disappeared

Hi all, me again !

Got a little issue suddenly appeared on my flightaware stats page. The three green (red) status squares at the top have disappeared. Otherwise, everything seems to be working normally. The only other slightly unusual thing is that it seems to be showing a long time in the ‘user last online’ field. Normally, this is less than an hour, and more likely, just a few minutes. The ‘last feeder check-in’ times seem normal.

I’ve reloaded the webpage a number of times, but haven’t re-started the computer at this point. Its normally on 24/7/365

Any thoughts anyone ?


You are not logged in.

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Are you otherwise getting out to the internet on your computer that you run the Flightaware on? Do you get an active aircraft map when you select a Skyanywhere map from you site top bar?

I agree with @ua549. The website doesn’t recognize your login. You may want to clear your browser cache.

Thanks all. Oddly, without me doing anything, by late last night it had come back. And yes, throughout the whole time, I had full very high speed internet access. I use my desktop all day, and there are other applications running continuously such as ADSB Exchange monitoring military traffic, that also require internet access. What I don’t qute follow is how the stats page worked otherwise normally, including correctly updating the stats, if I was not logged in … ? And come to that, how I became logged back in with no intervention from me … :thinking:

User stats can be viewed by anyone for anyone without a login.[user-id without brackets]

Hmmmm. Well I don’t pretend to understand any of the rationale behind that. If I was logged out, I don’t understand how that happened. And is the only indication you are logged in, whether the green status squares are present or not ? And if you are not logged in, how can your feeder still be checking in with the FlightAware site - that field was updating normally, as were the actual stats, which led me not to even consider that I mght not be logged in. And how can it have logged itself back in with no intervention ? I confess to being confused, but hey ho. It’s all working again now so … :thinking:

Not the only indication but probably the most notable. Other indications are there will be a small login indicator instead of your name in the top left. Also any description you have added to your site will not be visible.

The feeder would have still been logged in and feeding ok as it is a separate device. It was the browser session that was not for some reason. Private window / incognito mode?

When you are looking at the status page, you are logged in when your user id is shown in the top left corner. Another indicator is the gear wheel on the right side of the orange site bar. Functionally, the only reason to log in is to make a change to your account or site parameters. Otherwise the status display is the same whether logged in or not. Try it.

Ah. OK. Again, thanks for all the invaluable replies. I’m still not sure that I quite understand the rationale behind 'to be or not to be (logged in, that is :smile: ) ’ but at least I understand more what is going on now, and what to look for …