Statistics on your real contribution to FlightAware's "tracklog". Which airspace gaps are you filling?

Within the stats section of the FlightAware feeder page, it displays the following stats:

Is it possible to expand upon these statistics?

Eg, I’m interested in knowing more how much of a contribution my receiver actually makes to FlightAware’s overall flight log for each flight.

I’m not a programmer, but I imagine that a script could be written to extract information about the “Reporting Facility” from FlightAware’s official tracklog whenever our receiver detects a flight position.

The script could look for rows which indicate the “Reporting Facility” was the name of your receiver (in my case, “SmoothIsland”), and calculate the number of reports, distance and time that my receiver contributed to the final track log, compared with other receivers.

This data could be presented as a map to reveal where your receiver is actually filling-in a gap in ADSB coverage.

If someone has already thought of it and developed a plugin/app, I’d love to hear about it.
I’d be very happy to user-side testing for anyone interested in experimenting with some code for this.

Thank you

Interesting – on your second table, how do you get the last column “Reporting Facility” ? That doesn’t show on my Flight Track logs.

It only displays “SmoothIsland” if I’m logged into FlightAware under the username connected to my ADSB station. Furthermore, it does not show me the name of any other Flightaware receivers other than mine.

Here is how the Track Log page appears after logging out from

This is what I get:

Edit: My mistake – had to shrink the table to see the last column. Duh.

@jimMerk2 You might be interested in this:

Ok thanks, I’ll take a look.

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