My goal is to provide a webpage that will display the following information.
flight number
departure airport
departure time
estimated arrival time
status (on time, delayed, arrived, scheduled, etc)
Is there a single query that will provide everything I need to do this?
Thank you!
Thank you for your reply. Can you please tell me how I can determine the status (on time, delayed, arrived, scheduled, etc) using this query? What I really need is
A single query or custom report that will show all flights leaving from or bond for a specific airport on a given day. To include the following flight information:
flight number
departure airport
scheduled departure time / actual departure time
actual arrival time / estimated arrival time
status (on time, delayed, arrived, scheduled, etc)
To find flights to or from a specific airport you can use the “Arrived”, “Departed”, “Enroute”, and “Scheduled” functions. If you want to do a more complex search involving matching both an origin and destination, then you can use the “Search” function with the appropriate query string.