sectionals V. GPS

How many of you have a GPS? What type? If you have one, do you still use a sectional in flight, just carry one in the bag or not bring one at all?

Anyone have a 696? If so, would you recommend it? Is XM weather a big plus?

Dont have one. One day will tho, and when I do, I will ALWAYS carry an up to date sectional. Shit happens…{shit breaks}. Same reason I bring a handheld com.

Yup, I agree on the back up statement. I like the size of the 696, and have heard only good things about it. Lot of $, approx $3,200.00

I always carry WAC charts on a trip, often they never get opened.
I set one GPS for 50 miles range and the other for 5 miles range and that tells me a lot more than I get off a paper chart.

Dual GPS w/ XM weather, still have the Sectionals and little green books.
I can’t split legal hairs overs $15-$20 a month of paper during a ramp check since flying pays all my bills.

Good boy. Me too

No law requires one to carry the Green Book or Sectional Charts.

For light part 91ops your correct.
for Large &/or turbine 91 ops, 135 or 121 current charts are required.

As I stated I fly professionally and I’m not going to split a hair with my paycheck.
Any ways if I do it right all week long why should I go half a**ed on the weekend.

If I’ve learned one thing in my career it’s Cheap & Half A**ed don’t mix well with Aviation

You think this plane has a Green Book and Sectional Charts on board? What are you flying?

Ok Frank…what are you calling the “green book”? I’m at a loss. :confused:

The AFD. But back to the original question, does anyone have any comments on the 696, is it worth the $?

Electronic flight bag. So essentially yes they do. It’s just in Electronic form.

Now we’ve gone full circle.

The answer to the OP is no, many of us do not carry sectional charts and the green book.

I for one have never even purchased a green book.

Garmin 296 hand held. Plane has Garmin 430 and Garmin 155XL

I still have paper charts on board for IFR flights. Local flights, very rare I have a VFR sectional.

My kind of flying doesn’t really warrant on board weather,decision at weather briefing as to go no go.

Only once I can remember having the need for onboard weather, but used all tools available and asked for ATC assistance seen here … 4158#34158

Thanks Allen. Saw your videos. You must be lovin life in that Sundowner.
I want to get my hands on that 696 and try it out before I spend the $, but I heard it’s awesome.

They have dispatchers, AFIS, ACARS, multiple data-links, etc. And yes, most 121 ops have current Jepps onboard. They are starting to go to EFB, but there is still a set of Jepps on each airplane. I have never purchased a green book either, that’s what NOTAMS and proper flight planning are for.

Jeppesen are not sectionals. The question was about sectional charts.

Frank Holbert

Walk into any Aircraft Spruce. They are on the counter to play with.

A United 747 will never go VFR so he won’t need one. I’ll bet the Evergreen 747 firebomber has them!

You need to choose one or the other. No sitting on the fence.

Frank Holbert