
Thanks to wiedehopf for pointing me to the adsbexchange repo, I was able to remove my old setup and get the new scripts working.

I had always used the adsb-receiver project scripts before.

I see adsbex now has 978 support, so I set that up as well.
It appears to still use socat for 978, and readsb and uat2esnt.

Added those to avionics too.
Since the active-feeds is dead, I decided to set the first link to my feeder data, which you have to find from the region and your feeder name_number.
Go here
click your region, search for your name then click it, and copy that link.
Note it only “works” when you are actively feeding data.
The second link I set to

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I set my links to adsbex as shown

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Weird. My “myip” doesn’t have the links at the bottom yours does, nothing about uuid for feeder.
I was browsing my Mlat page, and smiled when I found a familiar peer:

to find your UUID goto Accessing Data Collected by ADS-B Exchange - ADS-B Exchange
read " Requirements for REST API data access: "
there you will find the command for your RasPi:
“cat /boot/adsbx-uuid”

save your UUID and copy it in required links to show your stats etc.

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@mikkyo - thanks for the heads-up on RPiMonitor! Some cool stuff in this thread and more useful than the regular temperature display! Now to digest all this… :grinning:

Need some help to get it “green” again:
since several weeks the status of my fr24 feeder displays “inactive” but it’s working (active).
Something has been changed somewhere, I don’t have a clue … :thinking:

any ideas how to change the avionics.conf ??

What is your check currently set to?
Mine is

dynamic.2.source=netstat -nlt
dynamic.2.regexp=tcp6 .*:(8754).*LISTEN
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dynamic.2.regexp=tcp6 .*:(8754).*LISTEN

that’s it ! set was only “tcp” … now it’s “green” (OK) again.

Many thanks four your help … :+1: :grinning:

Well I see a similar issue with my modified avionics.conf where if I hash out what I believe is the relevant web.status.1.content.1.line I get 8 Null lines showing.

If I hash out the tr line above the 8 hashed out lines I get another 8 Null lines showing for a total of 16.

If I then hash out the training /tr line below the relevant line so all three entries for the unwanted items I get yet another 8 Null lines for a total of 24!

I couldn’t spot a counting mistake in there although I have spent most of the day playing around with RPIMonitor so am probably a little number-blind by now!

I was trying to remove eight unwanted display items leaving only those I use such as;


How do I remove these unwanted items without seeing rows of Null’s?

It would also be good if I were able to modify it further to show the status of MLAT-Client if some kind soul might be able to help please?

Thanks & kind regards,

Did you renumber the entries? any unpopulated dynamic entry will show as null.

Thanks for the reply ua549…yes I did renumber the dynamic & static entries in avionics.conf so they all match each other and appear in numeric order and have checked & double-checked them and they all seem good to me!

But looking at the line numbers in the last section starting web.status.1.content.1.line do these line numbers also have to match their corresponding entry in the dynamic & static entries above?

For example the dynamic & static entries are numbered 1-12 but the web.status.1.content.1.lines are just numbered consecutively from 1-38

Do these dynamic/static entries numbered 1-12 have to match their respective line entries in the web.status.1.content.1.lines?

Out of desperation I’ll give that a try anyway…

Thanks & kind regards,

PS. No…that didn’t seem to work either…

PPS…OK I finally figured it out! Those web.status.1.content.1.lines have to be consecutively numbered so when I originally hashed them out I never changed the line numbers and it was inserting a Null for every missing line number. I just went back in and changed the needed lines so they were numbered consecutively without any gaps and all was well. Learnt this from playing around with a simpler example.alert.conf file. Got there at last! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So…just wondering if anyone here has gone crazy and added any of these customisations yet and if so then how exactly?

I am interested in incorporating some of these but am still finding my way round in the World of Pi and so progress is slow for me.

Any examples of these or other mods would be most welcome and before anyone asks yes I have read the complete thread from top to bottom many times as well as the documentation and added many of the things listed but it seems the more I read the more confused I get… :confused:

Is there any other resource out there dedicated to RPi-Monitor apart from the few links already listed in this thread?

I have loved utilities like this going back to my Amiga days and spend hours editing configs trying to customise things…

Thanks & kind regards,

Can anyone suggest a way to add data from sensors such as BMP280 or DS18B20?

Not sure if you’ve seen this and it’s not specific to the sensors you listed but it might give you a steer?


Example with DHT11 Configuration using sensors — RPi-Monitor v2.13-r0
More interesting use BMP280

Yeah that was what I was referring to only in my haste to help I forgot to paste the link in my post! Ooops…:blush:


Apologies if this is slightly off-topic as it doesn’t really seem to belong in a FlightAware forum although it is a question directly related to the thread title. I don’t see a dedicated RPI-Monitor forum anywhere and in fact see little reference to it anywhere apart from Xavier’s Github where I have read the documentation many times.

Do any of you have the Shellinabox add on running?

I have followed the instruction to the best of my ability but it doesn’t seem to work.

In data.conf I have;

I have installed shellinabox and typing sudo systemctl status shellinabox returns;
pi@RaspberryPi:~ $ sudo systemctl status shellinabox
● shellinabox.service - LSB: Shell In A Box Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/shellinabox; generated)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-01-26 14:15:43 GMT; 21h ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 475 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/shellinabox start (code=exited, status=0/SU
Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/shellinabox.service
├─519 /usr/bin/shellinaboxd -q --background=/var/run/shellinaboxd.pid
└─520 /usr/bin/shellinaboxd -q --background=/var/run/shellinaboxd.pid

Jan 26 14:15:42 RaspberryPi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Shell In A Box Daemon…
Jan 26 14:15:43 RaspberryPi systemd[1]: Started LSB: Shell In A Box Daemon.
lines 1-12/12 (END)…skipping…
● shellinabox.service - LSB: Shell In A Box Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/shellinabox; generated)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-01-26 14:15:43 GMT; 21h ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 475 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/shellinabox start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/shellinabox.service
├─519 /usr/bin/shellinaboxd -q --background=/var/run/shellinaboxd.pid -c /var/lib/shellinabox -p 4200 -u shellinabox -g shellinabox --user-css Black on W
└─520 /usr/bin/shellinaboxd -q --background=/var/run/shellinaboxd.pid -c /var/lib/shellinabox -p 4200 -u shellinabox -g shellinabox --user-css Black on W

Jan 26 14:15:42 RaspberryPi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Shell In A Box Daemon…
Jan 26 14:15:43 RaspberryPi systemd[1]: Started LSB: Shell In A Box Daemon

Not sure why it appears to be running twice(?) but when I try to start it from the About menu a white screen opens but I no keyboard or other input device shows so I can’t type anything into it?

I suspect the answer might lie somewhere in /use/share/rpimonitor/web/addons/shellinabox but can’t be certain nor do I know what to look for.

I was just wondering if any of you have it working and how?

Thanks & kind regards,

I’m using this Avionics Config which seems to be working well, except for my ADS-B Exchange status. I know I am connected and feeding data to ADSBX, but RPi-Monitor is reporting it as inactive. What code can I change in the config file to correct this?

I see some posts from a long time ago discussing changes to ADSBx and ways to edit the avionics config, but it’s all a bit cloudy to me. If someone could post their entire working avionics config that would be awesome.

I used this code to get it to work for me:

dynamic.11.source=service adsbexchange-feed status
dynamic.11.regexp=Active: (.*) \(

It’s going to take more than that to get ADS-B Exchange connection status to correctly be reported. Can I get some more info on how to fix my avionics.conf file? @mikkyo @jafrank @foxhunter ?