Route by specific airline and aircraft type

Hi all,
I am new to FA xml and am I am looking for a way to show all routes from a certain airport by a certain airline by a specific type of aircraft. Is that possible?

where airport=EPWA and airline=LOT and aircraft=B788

Just looking to find their B788 routes and destinations.

Any help appreciated!

Thank you,


For FlightXML 3 please have a look at AirportBoards. For example, the following would list departures from EPWA under the airline LOT:

The response will include both destination and aircraft type. This request isn’t able to filter by the aircraft type, but it should be enough to get started.

You could use either AirpotBoards as mentioned or AirlineFlightSchedules.

Resurrecting old post…

What if I am only looking for certain aircraft type, i.e. 788?


Unfortunately there is not a way to filter by certain aircraft type for FlightXML3.

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I figured after looking through all of the options but wanted someone with more knowledge to verify. What I’m looking for is a more complex query than the API can provide.

Ultimately I was looking for: all flights from/to airport=X that are aircraft_type=Y and operator=Z