Re: about 1090MHz

dump 1090 is running
faup1090 is not running
piaware is running
dump1090 is listening for connections on port 30005
dump1090 is listening for connectoins on port 10001
piaware is connected to port 10001
piaware is connected to flightaware
dump1090 is producing data on port 30005
dump1090 is not producing data on port 10001

why is the “dump1090 is not producing data on port 10001” at line 9? could it be because is not 1090MHz

You’re better off asking this sort of question in the ADS-B area: ads-b-flight-tracking-f21/

If you have little traffic nearby then the status check might not see anything on port 10001 for a while.
Do you see aircraft with positions on the dump1090 map? If not, then port 10001 won’t be generating any traffic.

(I don’t know what you mean by “is not 1090MHz”)