To clarify
I’ve set PIAWARE_MAC and piaware is now seeing the Pi. I’m getting deprecated warnings of course. However, I only see the MAC address on the statistics screen. I can’t find the ID anywhere.
No worries. This is fine. It’s a case of one, or the other.
The MAC address used to be used as an identifier. But if you changed your Wifi dongle or inserted the SD card from one Raspberry Pi into another, the MAC address would change (it’s hardcoded into the device). This is why MAC address overriding was used in the first place. However once you get to a large number of users feeding, it’s quite easy for MAC addresses to clash.
I agree with FlightAware in this regard. It’s far easier for them to generate a unique identifier (one that is so long, it’s unlikely to duplicate).
To switch over you would lose your continuity. But it’s very easy. Remove your PIAWARE_MAC, device will restart and you will see a new ID on the site. Add the PIAWARE_ID using this. Done.
This is on the page.
The statistics page will only show you “MAC” if you have a MAC Address or “Feeder ID” once you finally switch over to an ID. As stated above, doing so will be a swap. You would even get a new site id, and your statistics will show one cease, and a new one start.
OK, I get that. However, that’s not what I am seeing.
I deleted the MAC and let the Pi restart and settle down. Claim shows no new devices. I think I’d need to delete the old device from flightaware before the claim process will shows a new device because the MAC hasn’t changed. I’ll leave it with the MAC address set.
Thanks for the feedback. I think you’re right!
In this particular case, I wonder if it’s possible to leave both PIAWARE_ID and PIAWARE_MAC absent (would require a script change on my part; piaware could run regardless given a MAC).
I was running Docker on all my devices previously, so was forcing a made up MAC address to get around the issue of swapping devices. It always a pain when you change a WiFi dongle or otherwise and the MAC address changes.
In your case you actually are relying on the physical MAC, so there isn’t a real way to change it… unless as you say, you wait, remove then re-try.
A few posts further up, you’ll note that Flightaware are intending at a later date to allow a MAC to ID migration. It’s not possible at this moment in time.
A reminder though, to keep up to date with changes I am making on my side, be sure to run a “git pull” from the clone of my repository, before doing another "git push resin master’.
What I also worked on today was adding a second application in my own Resin for testing purposes. VERY SIMPLE. Just ensure that devices have device specific variables, create a second application (with a different remote - so would end up being for example “git push resintest master”). Devices can be moved between applications easily. This allows me to push tests and test without impacting the actual master branch. Awesome! Easy!
Of course, you’re free to commit my code into your own repository and develop it yourself. It should be fairly easy to understand. It’s just a Dockerfile (for installing the binaries), and a bash script (for starting the binaries with variables), plus a couple of empty config files.
I’ve just looked at my own PI’s and noted that although I am only using the Wifi dongles, the MAC address appearing on my user stats page is my LAN MAC address. This must be Resin passing this information.
It might work in your case if you remove both PIAWARE_MAC and PIAWARE_ID variables. This should resort to your MAC address being used, however if Resin is exposing the wrong MAC address (yep, it’s not logical), then you might have to override.
Once you remove PIAWARE_MAC and PIAWARE_ID then…
…is it working? i.e. is it working and displaying your MAC address correctly on the piaware stats page?
(ignoring the obvious deprecated messages on Resin Device Summary).
If not, I’d suggest the following:
Ping your device from your network
ping <ip_of_rpi>
Run arp -a on your network to find MAC addresses
arp -a
.... lots of ip's and their MAC addresses
Put the MAC address of your device into PIAWARE_MAC
I did this with one of my old devices. Worked perfectly!
If you want to switch over to an ID now, there is another trick you can try:
Take note of that new feeder id (it will get a new ID, because it appears as a new device)
Put the feeder id into PIAWARE_ID variable and remove the PIAWARE_MAC variable you created in step 1
This would cause you to cease statistics on your original device, and start with a new site and new ID.
That is, trusting that behind the scenes Flightaware doesn’t strangely see the same MAC address come back from the old site and get confused. This is a scenario I cannot answer.
This is possibly a stupid question, but is there a way to change the port it shows the map on? I’d like to put it on port 80 (yes I know there can be security issues with this). The reason for it is forwarding the port, and creating an a name for the ip on my servername ( doesn’t forward it properly and gives me a standard “replace this page” page.