Actually, I have 2 feeders, one of them on my PC with Ubuntu 22.04. I’m feeding Flightaware, FR24 and Planefinder. How about Radarbox ? Anyone was able to do it ?
Actually, I have 2 feeders, one of them on my PC with Ubuntu 22.04. I’m feeding Flightaware, FR24 and Planefinder. How about Radarbox ? Anyone was able to do it ?
Yes, I am able to do it, but on Debian 11 amd64.
Since Ubuntu 22 is based on Debian 11, It should be possible to do it on Ubuntu 22 also following the same procedure. Please see this post:
Hi, @abcd567
Thanks for your answer.
I’m stucking with de sharing key. I’m not able to get the new one.
$ sudo docker run -d --rm --name rbfeeder -e TZ=“Brazil/Rio de Janeiro” -e BEASTHOST= -e BEASTPORT=30005 -e LAT=-22.9583 -e LONG=-43.1970 -e ALT=100 Package docker-radarbox · GitHub
[sudo] password for eu:
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name “/rbfeeder” is already in use by container “3cb59cf653c372997de49c2a4714ef4fdfef6e3250d134c77f4d4b08ea81c7d1”. You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
See ‘docker run --help’.
~$ sudo rbfeeder --showkey --no-start
[sudo] password
sudo: rbfeeder: command not found
The docker with name rbfeeder already exists on your computer.
In order to list all the dockers you have already installed, please issue following command and post its output.
sudo docker container ls -a
If above command’s output lists a docker named rbfeeder, then change it’s name to say rbfeeder01 by followin command, then you can install another copy of rbfeeder
sudo docker rename rbfeeder rbfeeder01
## Check it is renamed
sudo docker ps
Good morning @abcd567
It seems that everything disappears !
I’ve repeated the procedure but my sharing key was not claimed:
Actually I never tried to get a new key through docker.
I already had two spare keys which I have obtained earlier using RPi.
I simply used these on docker.
Ok ! I’ll keep trying. Thanks for yours efforts!
Maybe you want to read this.
I have set it up successfully using docker, but never got it working.
As the support did not respond to any of my mails, i give up now feeding RB
My issue, so far, is to claim the sharing key generated by docker. RadarBox do not recognize it.
OK I have generated new Key & Station number using my RPi by deleting existing key and station number from file /etc/rbfeeder.ini. I have NOT claimed it. I will send it to you through PM. You can use it and claim to your account by going to Rdadrbox24 claims page.
Please check your inbox. I have sent you the newly generated, but UNCLAIMED, key & associated station number.
Within few minutes after obtaining the new station (just enough time to copy-paste the new key & stn number in PM to you) I deleted the key & station number from /etc/rbfeeder.ini
, and added my original key & station number, and restarted the rbfeeder. So the new key & station is now free for you to claim.
Hi, @abcd567
Thanks a lot !!
But, despite your key had been claimed, it’s not linked to my docker. Perhaps I did something wrong. See the attached screen:
EDIT: The key was claimed now but, no planes on the map:
Reboot your Ubuntu computer on which you have installed rbfeeder docker,and after 10minutes, check again your site:
Hi, @abcd567
Did the reboot.
So far, I’m still offline from Radarbox. I’ll keep my Ubuntu connected overnight and see, tomorrow morning what happened.
Please edit your post & delete the screenshot as it contains your rbfeeder’s key.
You had 2 errors in your command
(1) BEASTPORT=30005 was missing
(2) LAT
has two -ve signs instead of one i.e. it was LAT=--22.9583
Please check your inbox for corrected command
Hi @abcd567, or anyone else, would you be able to do the same thing for me, I am not able to get a sharing key, trying to use sdr-enthusiasts setup with docker containers, but because my system is not an RPI, it wont let me use a spoofed cpu serial number for some reason, despite it being a recommended workaround to create one : docker-radarbox/version_0.4.3_workarounds.md at main · sdr-enthusiasts/docker-radarbox · GitHub
It just does not work no matter where I define the cpu serial. Would really appreciate it if one of you could create/generate and share a new feeder key for me to claim.
Created a new RB24 key on my RPi, and have sent the new key & new stn number to you by PM.
Please check your messages inbox
Thanks so much @abcd567!! I wasn’t expecting a response from this old thread. Much appreciated!
Wondering how long this will work.
I meanwhile gave up running RB feeder from one of my Proxmox virtual devices.
Every now and then connection is lost and not reattached with the already generated site number.
Doing a new one helps, but only for limited time.
Also tried a docker container with similar results.