Problems with Dump1090-FA Quitting?

I just added an Airspy Mini today to my Raspberry Pi 3B and I am having issues with what appears to be Dump1090-FA stopping sending data to the local SkyAware web site. I am running the PiAware image 9.0.1.

What happens is the planes just go unhighlighted and then they all vanish off the screen.
Then they reappear again.

Here is a photo of the Dump1090-FA log about the time when it happened. Sorry I do not know how to get the data from the Raspberry Pi to my Windows machine.

I am running at the following …

Gain - auto
Sample rate - 12
Options - -v -t 90 -f 1 -w 5 -P 8 -E 60

Any assistance would be appreciated.

By chance is your Airspy Mini powered by the Raspberry Pi’s USB port? If yes, then I wonder if the Mini could be suffering from intermittent under voltage conditions if the Pi’s power supply isn’t meeting both the Pi and Mini’s needs. Try using a power supply with greater current capacity, like 2.5 or 3 amps if you have one.

John L.

sudo piaware-config receiver-host
sudo systemctl restart piaware

This could possibly make the reconnect quicker, it’s trying IPv6 which airspy_adsb isn’t listening on.

But that will only improve the reaction to the failure.
The real issue as correctly pointed to by John L. is that the airspy stops the decoding, probably due to power issues or the airspy having a bad connection on USB (possibly try another USB port or just replug it).

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I am moving to a 4B from a 3B as they are stable. The only one I have issues with is the 3B, so it is being replaced.

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