Hello everybody,
i am new and have only been feeding with ADS-B signals for a feew weeks now.
Again and again in can read here in the foum that there are problems with the receipt of MLAT data in connection with RaspberryPi and PiAware.
Also, i had appropriate problems that i wanted to solve.
Now i can say that there is no problem with kernel 4.9.24.
The following is important:
a good antenna
I use a self-build Collinear antenna with 4 elements. a very good reception is important for MLAT because my received data is compared with other feeders.
This can, of course, only work if the receiving area overlaps with other feeders. -
an exact time on the RaspberryPi.
Since the received MLAT data from my RaspberryPi are provided with a time stamp, before they are sent to a server, an exact time is particularly important.
Unfortunately, the RaspberryPi has no hardware-clock, so the clock can run incorrectly within two days up to 15 minutes.
Already makes a slight deviation of a few seconds the evaluation of MLAT useless.
With me were MLAT data after 5 minutes after a restart of the RaspberryPi no longer evaluate.
So i thought about how i can stabilize the time.
It is possible to use plug-in boards with gps or radio-clock. this was for me however for the RaspberryPi too elaborate!
Time synchronization with time-servers seemed to me the best solution.
However, attempts with Internet-Timeservers did not produce any useful results.
The clock of the RaspberryPi was too bad and the latencies of the Internet-servers too long.
Since i use a mikrotik router, i have installed there a time-server locally. Also other routers have this function (e.g. FritzBox, etc.).
Now the RaspberryPi can get its time directly from the local network time-server. Fold immediately very reliably.
Furtheremore, very short intervals are also required for the time correction.
Therefore, i have corrected everything that has to do with a stable time on the RspberryPi.
Therefore, the following guide, which is to be understood as a possible example:
*** Fix Processor frequency on the RaspberryPi ***
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Insert “force_turbo=1” in the last line!
*** Adress of Network internal time-server for the RaspberryPi ***
sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
There add “server” as new timeserver and comment out all other timeservers with #.
Please replace IP with the network IP of your own local timeserver!
In the same file, insert “maxpoll 6”, just below your timeserver ip.
With maxpoll the RaspberryPi is forced to keep very short intervals of time synchronization.
Then restart the RaspberryPi with
sudo shutdiwn -r now
With me this solution works perfectly and it is permanently transferred MLAT data.
For me depends the self-build antenna in the attic works well. The results are impressive.
sorry for my bad english…
Peter (DG9FFM)