Premium access for adsb data contributors

Do you get premium membership for maintaining an ADSB data station and contributor?
How do I see my own data page on Flightaware?

AFAIK one receives an Enterprise subscription at no cost for feeding data.

To see your own data go to< your user id>.

with with user id I get no such adsb site. How do we figure out if my ADSB station is transmitting properly.

Did you claim your station after setting it up ?

Check step 7 on this page PiAware - dump1090 ADS-B integration with FlightAware - FlightAware

Also check to see if the software is running with the command systemctl status piaware.service
The output will be similar to this:
pi@cs4:~ $ systemctl status piaware.service
piaware.service - FlightAware ADS-B uploader
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/piaware.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-03-30 18:26:23 EDT; 2 weeks 1 day ago

There is no ADS-B feeder site for your user id “ljohri”.

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Normally your stats would show up, if you have set up the station properly.

But there can’t be a site found on your account:

Did you register yourself with a different account? It also requires to be claimed as @tomvdhorst said.

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thanks - I can get the adsb feeder up.

Is there an extra command to see local live feed on 8080 port? lsof on the local Pi does not show any process on 8080 and the link to local stream also does not seem to work

I go to the IP or Host name of the device where ASDB is running Skyaware.
If you don’t have hosts & lmhosts setup use the IP otherwise a host name will work.

Both and cs7/skyaware work on my network.

Alternately, you can install the excellent Tar1090 written by @weidehopf.

But that does not answer his question because it has nothing to do with piaware. This is the tool which sends data to Flightaware.

Tar1090 will show local traffic that the station is detecting. Is the station actually operating?

But the TO is asking for a premium membership on Flightaware for sharing the data. tar1090 is not sharing data with Flightaware.

tar1090 displays only the data which are collected and provided by a decoder like dump1090 or readsb. Has nothing to do with data sharing

He wanted to see the local stream. Tar1090 will show that.
Premium membership on FlightAware is a different bucket of worms.
He now has a FlightAware userID, but it isn’t showing any data.
Apparently the local feeder isn’t configured properly.

You are right, but he raised two questions. One of them was if you get a premium membership for sharing data.

And he doesn’t need tar1090 for displaying it. Dump1090 which is the default once he followed the instructions offers the same map, but with different functionality.
tar1090 just delivers a “nicer view”, but it is not mandatory