Are there any flying clubs in your area.
What General Aviation Airport is close to you?
Contact any Flight School, ask about local flying clubs.
Aviation Supply Stores, usually have an area where you can post a small ad, flyer etc… Post your interest.
Use the FAA Registry, check out some tail numbers at your local airport and send them a letter, stating your interest.
I used to work at a FBO in Toronto, back when we still had alot of GA airport at Pearson Airport. I would get asked almost every single day if I wanted to go flying.
Private owners of GA aircraft, generally have taken every single person they know flying. Often the friends do not have the same level of interest as the owner, who often look for people to go flying with.
Do you have any gas piplines in your area, in Toronto, we had Interprovincial with a JetRanger, and TransCanada with 2 JetRangers and 2 Aztecs. Every pipeline has to be flown over twice a week, to look for potential damage, work crews, whatever. Usually the pilot is more than happy to have someone come for the ride. As an example, this is the local flying club at my airport. Even without a plane, or license, by joining, they pair you up with an empty seat, every Saturday morning, depending on where they are going. You meet lots of aircraft owners, who come from every walk of life.
I’m sure if you look at your local airports, you can meet many people who will be able to help you.