Hi folks, been a FlightAware feeder for a year now… i am wondering if i can “tap” my own PiAware to feed a program i just discovered called AirScout ( + SpectrumLab).
AirScout plots flights on a map. It then plots likely VHF/UHF reflection paths for amateur radio use.
In other words, say i want to try hearing a CW beacon in Sacramento 125 miles from me. Line-of-sight is not possible, there are lots of mountains in the way. But an airliner, when it crosses my line of sight but up at 30,000 ft, may reflect a radio signal so i can hear it, if only briefly.
AirScout does get a default air traffic feed from somewhere, but i’ve noticed that my PiAware is seeing quite a bit more. If i can feed my dump1090-fa (or something) to the AirScout via UDP or TCP or some other way, it would help my experiments with radio.
So is this possible or permitted with PiAware. Thanks from Orrin WN1Z in Susanville Calif.
I’m not sure if either one works you could also try a json file input, your pi serves one for the local map, it is located here: http://pi/dump1090-fa/data/aircraft.json
Replace pi with the IP of your pi.
Good luck.
The AVR and beast data on those ports are received locally and completely yours, so no problem using them, they don’t come from flightaware.
The json file contains MLAT positions as well, those are only meant for personal use not publication.
Looking at your flightaware stats i’m not sure your own receiver will be very useful as you don’t really have that much range.
Not really familiar at what ranges the plane typically needs to be for this kind of bouncing radio waves.
Are you limited by terrain? What dongle/antenna are you running?
I’m thinking i would try to receive reflected signals from Sacramento and Reno ( ~ 125 and 75 miles distant), and the midpoints of those distances are well within my PiAware range. No?
I am in a kind of isolated area (Susanville) which is surrounded (blissfully) by lots of mountains. I can’t receive WFM stations from outside my area, nor CW beacons on 144 MHz.
I guess the page i was reading was just talking about getting max range for bouncing to create records or something. But i don’t see why it wouldn’t talk at shorter ranges
I think your settings are working!! Thanks for the help. Here is a shot of the settings i put in. The AirScout status bar explicitly tells me that it is getting information from my “local adsb receiver” and i see planes on my screen. But possibly only the planes that will intersect my line-of-sight with the desired remote location.
Now, to arrange my cables & antennas for the frequency(ies) i want. I’ll see if attic antennas will give me enough signal, possibly not. Apartment living with no external antennas allowed. My ADSB antenna is on the ground floor near my south window, so most (but not all) my PiAware data is to my southeast.