Possible to buy ADS-B FlightFeeder?

Was wondering is its possible to buy Flightaware’s FlightFeeder Receiver?

Just curious.

I am assuming no then? :frowning:

It could be easier and cheaper to build a piaware I went that route years ago and there is plenty of help her in the forums to get you up and going. Believe me I knew nothing about Raspberry Pi’s or Linux when I first started out and many had stepped in and helped me get up and running.

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FlightAware does not sell their FlightFeeders and they only send them to you if your location is determined to be acceptable based on a number of factors. Additionally, everything included in the box when you get one (Feeder, antenna, and cable) remains the property of FlightAware. You can’t sell it without committing theft.
The only way to acquire one legally is by requesting one through the form available at https://flightaware.com/adsb/request

What prevents you from using a Raspberry with appropriate setup?

If you want to get something similar to a Flightfeeder as “Fire-and-forget-Solution” you could consider a Radarcape device from Jetvision. But that depends on your budget :slight_smile:

I do have a Pi I was just curious if they sold the Flightfeeder thats all sorry.

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No need to say sorry. It’s a valid question.
However the Raspberry solution with a USB stick would be the cheaper option. Currently Raspberries are hard to get due to the chip shortage.

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However there are other options like Orange Pis for example.

I received an email from my supplier, stating that the Pi’s won;t be in stock for a long time, they recommended the Odroid.

Unfortunately in Dutch, but they answer emails in English as well.

I took a look at the site but there was no way to change it to English,Really couldn’t understand anything on the page lol :slight_smile:

Thank you for the help though.

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try to contact them with an email

Ok will do :slight_smile:

Thank you again.,

If I can recall the flightfeder is what we all built with a raspberry pi but packaged all in one assembly.

From a different source:


Somehow different in the blue one, but still a Raspberry


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Awesome,hmm wonder if we can get the parts and build our own? Wonder if it would be hard to find the parts. Screen etc.

Plus add UAT 978 to it also,I think the feeders only do 1090 correct?

The orange one is a Raspberry with FA stick. You can use any display available on the market.

I do not see this as challenging.