Play time has arrived

I completed @abcd567 's install to include gain to be listed on my local skyaware page. I’m curious “what units is this reported in?” I’m showing “60” (presumably the default, since I haven’t started playing with it), but 60 “what’s”? I’d have thought it might be dB, but that seems like a pretty high value (60dB = 20 x 3dB doublings, so ~1,000,000x ??)

I was thinking of putting a coax splitter into the feed from my roof antenna, so I could do a side by side compare of my two sticks (on two RPi’s). Presumably that will hit my signal -3db (at least - assumes the TV coax splitter isn’t filtering at 1090MHz, which is well above the TV band, so it might be further degrading the signal). Can I simply up the gain by “3” (or something else) to try to account for this?

I’m also curious, looking at @abcd567 post here (31/51):

My page now shows the current gain and allows for resetting, but I’m still looking at the map plot, not a graph. After following @wiedehopf’s Github to add Graph1090, I see plots similar to what @tomvdhorst is showing a couple posts up - not what abcd567 is showing in the link (which looks like a skyaware page but with a graph, not a map). Is there a skyaware page setting I’m overlooking?

Looking at @wiedehopf 's Github on automatically setting the gain
The first line says:
only for rtl-sdr/DVB-T USB receiver, not Airspy or Beast receivers

I had an RTL-SDR in use, but replaced it with the ADSB_Exchange Blue dongle (which I presume is more or less equivalent to the FA Blue stick). What does that count as? I am not sure I know what a DVB-T receiver is. Googling I find another “dongle-y” thing at amazon, but it doesn’t look like the Pro Stick. I’ve seen Airspy as a brand, but not “Beast” (although I’ve seen references to that other places). Is there a glossary somewhere for the various terms encountered here?

And back to the other matter at hand, is my Blue stick “eligible” for this Auto gain program (perhaps it counts as one of the options)?

Thanks for any help!