Looks like /dev/root is pretty small. Either you have a small card, or it’s not formatted/partitioned properly. See raspberrypi.org/forums/view … 51&t=45265 which seems to possibly address your issue.
yes to both cited concerns:
(1) log files are too damn big – why?
(2) file system probably wasn’t expanded to fill the device. This needs to be done the first time you boot a new system
A tool I use to figure out where space is being used:
alias diskuse='sudo du -a --exclude=/proc / | sort -k 1 -g -r | head -n 200 > ~/$HOSTNAME.diskuse.txt'
execute this (even better, copy it to your .bash_aliases file so it gets done on login), and then type in:
at the command line. When I run this on my R Pi named weasels, I get a file: weasels.diskuse.txt created in my home directory (that’s the ~/ part), which lists the top 200 directories on the disk in terms of size.
Now I can figure out where the space is being tied up, and prune things back.
Another hint, for those of you that are ok starting with a bare system: Use the Jessie Lite distro. It doesn’t include a lot of things such as Wolfram, the desktop, and a lot of other stuff.