PiAware for RPi OS Bookworm

Before you re-image a microSD card, retrive & save feeder keys

Before you write fresh image, retrieve feeder keys from existing image, copy-paste and save these in Notepad on your desktop/laptop.

1.1 - Piaware feeder-id

Following command will print feeder-id

cat /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

1.2 - Plane finder share-code

Give following command

cat /etc/pfclient-config.json

It will output following long line. Your Planefinder sharecode is the last item zzzzzzzzz in this long line


1.3 - Flightradar24 key:

Give following command

cat /etc/fr24feed.ini  

Following line in output of above command has your fr24 key:


1.4 - Radarbox24 key:

Give following command:

cat /etc/rbfeeder.ini  

Following line in output of above command has you RB24 key
