PiAware: Fine for 4+ yrs and now it's not

If you have a wired network connection to Pi, un-plug the network wire at both ends and re-plug. Then reboot Pi.

If this does not solve your problem, try another network wire.

It looks like desperation is setting in. :slight_smile:

I have network wires o’plenty so I opened a brand new one that hasn’t seen electrons since it left the factory and rebooted the PI. SSH’d into it and ran the telnet command to PORT 1200.

And… no change. TELNET is stuck at “Trying…”.

This is a real head scratcher for me. First off because the PI set up stopped sending to FA after 4 years. Then I have the same problem (basically) after loading a fresh PiAware dedicated image.

I’m still open to any ideas, but I am considering fire.

OK. The plot thickens. I decided to take a break from this FA project and play ham radio.

I now have noticed that any website that includes a PORT number is off limits to my internet connection. This includes my RasPI VPN setup.

For example, I am not able to goto http://w5cqu.homeip.net:8100/ on my PC while connected to my Time Warner internet connection. However, if I connect my PC to the internet via a hotspot connection on my phone all is well. Sounds like my beef is with Time Warner?

You can test your theory if you have a WiFi dongle. Plug the wifi dongle into Pi, configure wifi in piaware-config.txt to connect to internet using your phone’s hotspot, and reboot Pi. This will eliminate your Time Warner from Pi to Flightaware path.

OK. Progress being made. Time Warner sets the router ports to “custom” which basically seems to shut down everything with a PORT. I shifted it to HIGH and now I can TELNET PORT 1200.

Congratulations, success at last!
:v: :+1:

OK. I reset my feeder ID and restarted piware and my page says::
Feeder Check-In: an hour ago


BTW there is a minor error in the For Beginners - How to Get Back Existing Station Number in A Fresh Install page.

“piaware” should not be capitalized. Most will figure it out, but it should be changed.

In the end this was all worth it. I’m sad to lose my 850+ day streak, but that’s fine. The issue was with my router. I guess TW adjusted it? I don’t know. The support here was great and thanks to those that hung in there with me over the past tens days trouble shooting.

I discovered that loading a new PiAware image is really easy. I was dreading it because back when I set up PiAware is wasn’t as automated (see: WhiskeyTangoHotel.Com: Real Time Tracking of Aircraft with the Raspberry PI). Also, the new SkyView radar map is much much better.

Thanks again all!!! My graph is showing aircraft count on FA now.

Thanks for bringing the error in my notice. I tried to correct it, but as this post is 2 months old, the option to edit is no more there. :rage: :angry:

Assuming that you have administrative privileges in this forum, can you please fix this error? It is simply changing P by p in the word Piaware in the second command. If someone uses copy-paste, the command fails due to this error. Thanks.

Thank you David. Just now found you have made the correction from P to p.
Thanks once again.

OK. I thought this would be easy, but the wisdom of Google is letting me down.

Recap: My RasPI PiAware is running off the image download from FA. I need Python 2.7 on the RasPI for some general house keeping scripts I run.

After several failed attempts to install Python on the RasPI I’m turning here for a web suggestion that works or some advise. I get a couple of errors during the Python install depending on what method I use. Bad $PATH is a common one.


The piaware image is probably pretty stripped down, there might be a whole lot of dependencies misssing. Maybe a apt-get dist-upgrade helps? Or use a full raspian with piaware on top.

PiAware is built on the Raspbian lite image.
The full Raspbian image does have more packages installed (includes python)

The PiAware package can be added onto of the full Raspbian image.
PiAware package installation instructions:

If you want to install software on Raspbian you can usually follow install walkthroughs. You can usually find them by searching for Raspbian and the name of the package you want to install.

I like the full Raspbian idea; it makes things a lot more versatile for the other RasPI duties in addition to PiAware I have. But, if I follow the PiAware install instructions above and get the RasPI GUI, etc…

Will I lose the cool features of PiAware Skyview and revert back to the uncool dump1090 ‘radar’ tracking screen that I had before?

I have used J Prochazka’s automated script on

  1. Jessie Lite
  2. Stretch Lite
  3. Piaware SD Card image

I remember it successfully installs Python also. Not sure at what stage, but I think during installation of either web portal graphs or adsbexchange feeder.

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Found it:

(1) Install required packages to build and to fulfil dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y git curl build-essential debhelper 
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev 
sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev 
sudo apt-get install -y netcat 


Thx a heap. You beat the entire internet as your four commands worked the first time.
Executed them. Type ‘python’. Got a prompt.

Maybe I should start asking my VPN question here. :wink:

Thx again!