PiAware cache time between uploads to FlightAware

Curiosity question perhaps. I’ve had intermittent, unexpected ISP dropouts/reboots in recent weeks. Some are simply a modem reboot (about 15 mins). Others have been longer. So I’m now curious how long the Pi can hold on to captured data if it finds it can’t upload. It may well be memory dependent, and there may be no recourse but to lose the data (or whatever is happening now) but I’m curious.
TIA for any insight.
PS. Yes, I know. I’m working the ISP issue, believe me!

There is no cache; if you don’t have connectivity, the data is discarded.

(Somewhere on my todo list is to add a short buffer – on the order of 30 seconds – to at least handle the disconnect-and-immediately-reconnect case. But in general, data that’s much older than that is not so useful to us, so a larger buffer wouldn’t really help)


Thanks. Not surprised, but good info for me.