PiAware 7 SD Card Image Released

I live in an urban high-rise area with all sorts of RF noise (FM, TV VHF, UHF, Cell phones etc). In RF noisy conditions like mine and many others, the internal filter of ProStick Plus is not enough, and an external filter is required.

Please see this post where I have posted results of RF Scan at my location without and with external filter. This scan covers the full frequency range of the dongle (24 MHz ~ 1800 MHz).




Since the major change in software is addition of “Adaptive Gain Control”, first disable it, then monitor for 24 hrs. Afte that, you can enable adaptive gain control and again monitor for 24 hrs

sudo piaware-config adaptive-dynamic-range no  

sudo systemctl restart piaware   

sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa   

NOTE: After disabling “adaptive gain control” by 1st command above, you must either reboot Pi or restart both piaware and dump1090-fa for the change to be implemented

After 10 minutes check logs

sudo journalctl -u dump1090-fa -n 10   


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