PiAware 3.1 feed connected to wrong account

My son and I assembled a PiAware ADS-B receiver on a Raspberry Pi 3. It appears to work. Except…

The feed got associated with my FlightAware account and not his. It is his account username and password in the /boot/piaware-config.txt file.

Why would the feed connect to my account? What can I do to change the feed to be associated with his account?

Can you mail adsbsupport@flightaware.com with the details (from/to usernames, site ID)

nb: configuring piaware with a username & password is not recommended.

Many thanks. I will send an email.

WRT configuring a user account, we were only following directions. Should we just remove the flightaware-user and flightaware-password lines?

Can you tell me where those directions are so I can get them fixed?

FWIW I looked into it a bit more and it may fix itself in a few hours (there is a minimum site age of 24 hours before switching the user to avoid it flapping between two users if there is conflicting information e.g. a MAC collision)

Step 2 of the following page describes setting flightaware-user and flightaware-password.


Thanks! We missed that one.