That is a change that dates back to 2.1-3. You need to either reconfigure dump1090 to listen on port 30104 for beast mlat data, or reconfigure piaware to feed to a port of your choice. See ads-b-flight-tracking-f21/piaware-2-1-3-released-t36047.html
hello all, so i got a 5" touch screen for my piaware, can’t wait to get it up and going.( need a larger sd card)… can someone direct me to some info in regards to installing it with flightaware/ dump1090… i seen afew vids on it but they don’t explain much… thanks
looking for instructions on ruining the touch screen with piaware running dump1090…i know i have to install the software for the screen and piaware. just not sure what i will need to tweak to make it work.
a) The new Station Stats UI now show MLAT vs ADSB vs Other stats
b) My daily stats have plummted, from c2900 birds per day, to c800
Just updated to PiAware 2.1-5 - now Mut shows zero aircraft, and the console in the Station Stats on FA shows Mut isnt sending anything to FA…
[2015-12-31 07:55 GMT] 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090-muta (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
The BEAST port change required for 2.1.3 was done some weeks ago, and showed some (if reduced) birds before upgrade to 2.1.5.
I take it the “Send command to device > Upgrade and restart PiAware” wont have reset this, it shouldnt have done anything to mut?
Also, running Mut 1.14 - can someone point me at upgrade instructions for 1.15 etc?