Pi Aware Skyview

sorry glennblum ‘my bad !’ will try to explain

this ~$ shows you are in pi’s main (root) folder
try cd /home/pi

I have modesmixer2 executable file renamed mm2 under folder


and the database files under folder

in /home/pi I created a ‘batch’ file called mdx which has the commands I posted above.

sudo nano mdx to create
wrote those lines

then CTRL+O to save and CTRL+X to exit the nano editor.

sudo chmod 0755 mdx to make file executable

now if I am in /home/pi# I run the mdx with ./mdx (the dot before the stroke signals the system the file is in the current folder).

if I am in any other folder than /home/pi I run mdx with /home/pi/mdx without the dot.

so with these instructions, try to replicate my mdx
sudo nano
copy paste

--web 5588 \
--inConnect \
--inConnect localhost:30105 \
--location dd.mmm:dd.mmm \ 
--db /home/pi/mm2/BaseStation.sqb \
--silhouettes /home/pi/Silhouettes/ &
  • web 5588 or any other port of your choice (above 1000 and not those in use between 29999-30011
  • location dd.mmm:dd.mmm your lat/long to 4 digit precision

then after chmod 0755 mdx or chmod +x mdx (same to create executable)
run it and see what happens. will be around for a while if more assistance needed
good luck. HTH

ed1 I see you used filezilla to transfer files to pi. are they for pi or other os ?
ed2 file mdx you can make it as mdx.sh no differene. I just prefer it without the .sh
ed3 how do you access your pi ? putty ?


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odd. how about using browser’s refresh button (if F5 ‘slaved’ by mm) ?

fyi my net as follows :
Rpi3 → wifi → TP range extender 4th floor → router 1st floor → wifi → my PC

Same thing, no change.


You are outside folder mm2, and issueing direct command for modesmixer2

Method 1


sudo mm2/./mm2.sh  &  disown


Method 2


cd mm2

sudo ./mm2.sh  &  disown
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Abcd567, thanks. I will have to apply this when I get home. Like I had said before, I am very ignorant to any Linux operating system and this is slowly giving me a feel of the operation. The editor also kills me too.

odd ! does everything else work similar to the pics I posted ?
location set ? google maps key ?
see the problem with deco/mixer is ‘closed code’ and is hard to determine
how it works therefore too many trials needed to get it working properly.
surely does not work off-line.

yes I know exactly what you mean. most of the time I use mc (file editor with gui).
try sudo apt-get install -y mc
when you call mc from anywhere the gui pops-up. F4 to edit file, F2 to save, F3 to view only.
similar to TotalCommander for Windoze.

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same problem as I had before.

evangelyul2h1 ,
I will try out what you have posted.


Do not type command below, as there is chance of typing / spelling mistake.
COPY-PASTE these commands.

(1) Stop any running instance of modesmixer2
sudo killall modesmixer2

Press Ctrl+C then press Enter Key

(2) Move inside directory mm2
cd mm2

(3) Delete existing file mm2.sh
sudo rm mm2.sh

(4) Create new blank file mm2.sh
sudo nano mm2.sh

(5) Copy-paste following code into new blank file mm2.sh
(replace XX.XXXXX:YY.YYYYY by actual coordinates)

/home/pi/mm2/modesmixer2 \
 --inConnectId \
 --inConnectId \
 --web 8787 \
 --location XX.XXXXX:YY.YYYYY \
 --db /home/pi/BaseStation.sqb \
 --silhouettes /home/pi/Silhouettes \

(6) Save (Ctrl+o) and Close (Ctrl+x)

(7) Make new file mm2.sh executeable
sudo chmod +x mm2.sh

(8) Test Run
sudo ./mm2.sh & disown



Will try shortly. I want to everyone know that the help and understanding is appreciated.


This is what I got.

As the old mm2.sh was scraped, and a new one created, there is low chance the problem is with it. This leaves the uploaded files as main suspect. May be these got corrupt. Delete both and run the modesmixer2 again. It should still give error but of different type.

sudo rm BaseStation.sqb

sudo rm -rf Silhouettes

sudo mm2/./mm2.sh & disown


If it still gives error, delete the two lines in mm2.sh which start by --db and --silhouettes.

The easy way to delete a line is to bring the cursor on the line to be deleted and press Ctrl+k.

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I used Flizilla because it was recommended. Its ok but I dont think it what should be used. I think that Filzilla is currupting the files and also I am not able to install the .sqb and siluettes into MM2 file folder.
Access by PUTTY.

I actually went ahead and reformatted, re-mounted Pi Aware and to include MM2 which is all running good except no sqb or sils showing. I ran out of time tonight to try again and like you said, I think that filezilla corrupted my files and that is where I feel the problems exist. This may not be the programs fault and maybe my fault.
The original files on my “windows 10” computer maybe the culprit, or because I cant get the silhouette folder and .sqb file into MM2 directory. Filezilla refuses to allow it to happen.


Install WinSCP on your Windows computer to copy files from windows to Pi


I downloaded and installed winspc. I think that I need to get a new .sqb and silhouettes folder to upload. Mine maybe corrupted. This will happen tomorrow. Many thanks to you and the rest here for your knowledge and understanding.

Neither could I copy files from Windows to mm2 folder directly. The only place I could copy is /home/pi/. This happened both with Filezilla and WinSCP.

Later I transferred both to mm2 by following commands in PuTTY

sudo mv BaseStation.sqb  mm2/BaseStation.sqb  

sudo mv Silhouettes   mm2/Silhouettes

I usually install mc for file transfers and editor (works with nano too if desired).

Can I have the Silhouettes showing without having the BaseStation.sqb ?