Pi Aware Skyview

Here is another ‘challenge’ I’m trying to overcome.

I’m trying to access the ModeSmixer2 live map from the internet. I can view all other tabs, but not the map. It displays for a split second, and then goes blank with a message. The first one said I was using Firefox 64 bits and it was not compatible. Switched to Firefox 32 bits. Then it said there was a problem with Java. Ok, I did not have Java installed, installed it, no change. Tried Internet Explorer and Opera, both the same.

Again, the other tabs load fine. Any ideas for the live map?


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Try “Private Browsing” tab

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If browser’s “Private Browsing” window does not display map, may be it is because of Google API key. The quote below is for the Decoder (ModeSDeco2), but may be applicable to Mixer (ModeSMixer2) also.


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I’m familiar with that Google change from other activities, and it was the first thing that crossed my mind. However, it does display for a split second, and then goes blank. I have seen other applications not load the Google map without the API key, but still display everything else on the blank background.

One other point, is whether Google knows when it’s only accessible from whithin a private network, and allows the map, and when it’s accessible from outside, and requires the key.

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I’ll try that, and report back.


Update: No change with “Private browsing”. It says to check the Java Script Console for details. I tried disabling every security setting in the Java Console, still no go. The other tabs still load fine. So, the likely reason is the lack of a Google API key.

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The API key is free from Google.

Yes, it is, but Google already knows enough about me.:grinning:

Read the terms and conditions. I did, and decided to pass.

I requested the key before reading it, so I deleted everything afterwards. Things may have changed, so check.


Job applicant: Where do I send my CV?
Google hiring manager: That’s not needed, just let us know if you are interested. We already know everything about you.

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:rofl: :joy::laughing:

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only other requests I have is being able to use a basestation.sqb and the silhouettes.

Check here, the last entry. Use the corrected version from @abcd567.

My question is where is the flie folders that has the silhouettes in ? and where does the basestation.sqb file located on the rasberry Pi?

Silhouettes and logos can be downloaded from here:

An account is needed.

The populated basestation file, with info for your area, is a bit more difficult to find. I created my own using the VRS database writer plugin. Let it run for about a week, and it should capture most of your area’s air traffic.

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Its been years since I had used a FTP program but success in the upload portion.

-bash: pi@piaware:~/mm2$: No such file or directory
pi@piaware:~/mm2$ pi@piaware:~/mm2$ /home/pi/mm2/modesmixer2: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I get this and MM2 will not load.

i love modesmixer
this is my setup in RPi 3 B+

/home/pi/mm2 \
--web 5588 \
--inConnect \
--inConnect localhost:30105 \
--outServer beast:55006 \
--outServer sbs10001:55008 \
--globes 55009:table2:xx \
--location 37.nnn:23.nnn \
--keep \
--log-noconsole \
--log-file /home/pi/mm2.log \
--db /xdeco/db/bs.sqb \
--frdb /xdeco/db/fr.sqb \
--pictures /xdeco/db/pictures/ \
--silhouettes /xdeco/db/silhouettes/ &

30105 receives MLAT from FA in beast format
55008 used for Kinetic basestation
55009 used for globe-s

not shown is the google api key …

bs.sqb from planeplotter or kinetic basestation.sqb (updated by mm2 after first run)
fr.sqb from planeplotter flightroute.sqb
flag / shilhouettes you can transfer from the Kinetic folder (if you have one)
you can get basestation from [http://www.kinetic.co.uk/DownloadFiles/Basestation_183/BaseStation-1-2-4-184-exe-only.zip]

my results from modesmixer (192.168.1.nnn:5588) and globe-s

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Hi evangelyul,

Where did you find the plane pictures? I would rather have them locally, rather than retrieved online on demand.

Also, how to get the bandwidth meter in MM2 to work?


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That is cool but doesn’t answer my question. When I had installed the files for basestation.sqb and the siluettes I mad the changes to the .sh file and I get the error I mentioned above and now modesmixer does not work. I tried reversing my changes without luck. Not only that my knowledge of Linux is nil and the editor I am guessing at. I encluded the screen shot of the directory to see if anyone could clue me if I had set up the files properly. I tried to install those files into the MM2 folder and the program get a deny because it is protected. please help.

hi Dxista

the meter works when I view the modesmixer from my win7 pc. often have to refresh (F5) the browser (Opera or Vivaldi) I am using. in other words , click on the tab charts, then F5 twice and both the plot and bandwidth occur.
as for the pictures I have copied some from VRS (meaning PRINT SCREEN and paste /crop in MS PAINT) but noticed mm will try to get it on-line and use it in abscense of local pictures folder or pictures in it. actually I do not have the ones I posted in that folder mostly some C-xxxx from the time I was in Canada.


I have to use the F5 key once to change from nm to km, even though I have metric in the config file, but it does not do anything for the bandwidth meter. I tried F5 multiple times in both Opera and Firefox.

Roger regarding the pictures.
