Performance Graph Interpretation

So I am trying to determine if my experimentation with adjusting my gain has hurt me or if I am reading too much into it given that it’s a weekend.

I ran the OptimizeADSB python script that was seen here Thursday evening and Friday morning and afternoon. Based on the info I received I changed my gain setting in the piaware-config to 50. I did move the antenna around a bit this weekend and that may also have been affecting the numbers, but trying to get a good gauge on if these numbers look ok. I know that running that script (it runs for a few hours or so) is going to impact my numbers but should I give it a good week day to see if these get better?

If the numbers don’t improve tomorrow I am thinking about commenting out the gain setting in the piaware config.

So I did discover a forum post somewhere else that said you need to adjust your gain value in the /etc/default/dump1090-mutability file as well. I adjusted that gain to 50 as well to match what was in piaware-config. Hopefully that helps!

So here are my past 6 hour results since figuring out I needed to change the gain on the dump1090-mutability file. Seems to be better. Does that noise level look ok?