[OUTDATED] Package install of piaware 6.1 on Bullseye 32-bit & 64-Bit

This method uses ver 6.1 packages (32-bit & 64-bit) which I have built from source-code, and uploaded to my PPA (Personal Package Archive) at Github

This method uses "sudo apt install piaware" & "sudo apt install dump1090-fa" and is much faster than building packages from source code on your RPi.

Tested on RPI Model 4 with 32-bit & 64-bit Raspi OS Bullseye
Most likely will work on Pi Zero 2 W with 32-bit & 64-bit Raspi OS Bullseye (I do not have Pi Zero 2 W to test)

STEP-1: Add my PPA (Personal Package Archive at Github) to apt sources list

If you are using 32-bit Raspi OS Bullseye (armhf / armv7l) installed using “Raspberry Pi Imager” or downloaded from https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/operating-systems/

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/abcd567a.list https://abcd567a.github.io/ppa/piaware/abcd567a.list   

sudo wget -O - https://abcd567a.github.io/ppa/piaware/KEY.gpg | sudo apt-key add -    

sudo apt update   


If you are using 64-bit Raspi OS Bullseye (arm64 / aarch64) downloaded from https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_arm64/images/raspios_lite_arm64-2021-11-08/

sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/abcd567a_64.list https://abcd567a.github.io/ppa/piaware64/abcd567a_64.list     

sudo wget -O - https://abcd567a.github.io/ppa/piaware64/KEY.gpg | sudo apt-key add -     

sudo apt update   


STEP-2: Install piaware

sudo apt install piaware 

sudo piaware-config feeder-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx  

sudo piaware-config allow-manual-updates yes  
sudo piaware-config allow-auto-updates yes  
sudo systemctl restart piaware  


STEP-3: Install dump1090-fa

sudo apt install dump1090-fa  

sudo reboot  


STEP-4: Install piaware-web

sudo apt install piaware-web   

## After installation is completed, in your Browser, go to IP-of-Pi  or IP-of-Pi:80


STEP-5: (For USA Only, and if required) Install dump978-fa

sudo apt install dump978-fa  

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type sdr  

sudo systemctl restart piaware  


STEP-6: configure dump978-fa (do this step only if you have installed dump978-fa, otherwise skip this step)

6.1 - Serialize Dongles with 8-digit serial numbers 00001090 and 00000978

sudo apt install rtl-sdr  

rtl_eeprom -s 00001090  #Plug-in 1090 MHz dongle only

rtl_eeprom -s 00000978  #Plug-in  978 Mhz dongle only

If you need more details on serializing, scroll down few posts below, or click here to directly go to that post.

6.2 - Configure dump1090-fa and dump978-fa to use their respective dongles

sudo sed -i 's/^RECEIVER_SERIAL=.*/RECEIVER_SERIAL=00001090/' /etc/default/dump1090-fa   

sudo sed -i 's/driver=rtlsdr[^ ]* /driver=rtlsdr,serial=00000978 /' /etc/default/dump978-fa  

sudo reboot 


32-Bit OS (armv7l / armhf)



64-Bit OS (aarch64 / arm64)






Install other feeders on Raspi OS Bullseye

(1) Flightradar24 feeder: Install by following command:

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O - https://repo-feed.flightradar24.com/install_fr24_rpi.sh)"   


(2) Planefinder feeder: Install by following commands:

wget http://client.planefinder.net/pfclient_5.0.161_armhf.deb    

sudo dpkg -i pfclient_5.0.161_armhf.deb  


(3) Adsbexchange: Install by following command:

wget -O /tmp/axfeed.sh https://adsbexchange.com/feed.sh   

sudo bash /tmp/axfeed.sh   


(4) Graphs: Install by following command

sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiedehopf/graphs1090/master/install.sh)"   


(5) RadarBox24 feeder
Currently using RB24’s bash script will fail to install rbfeeder on on Bullseye. To install rbfeeder on the Raspbian OS Bullseye, follow this procedure:

5.1 - Issue following command to download file inst_rbfeeder.sh

wget http://apt.rb24.com/inst_rbfeeder.sh   

5.2 - Open downloaded file for editing by following command

sudo nano inst_rbfeeder.sh  

5.3 - Scroll down the file to the line which starts with:

5.4 - Comment out this line by placing # at its start like below

5.5 - Below this line type following:

Please see screenshot below:


5.6 - Save file (Ctrl +o) and Close (Ctrl+x)

5.7 - Issue following command to start installation

sudo bash inst_rbfeeder.sh   

(6) Install mlat-client for RadarBox24 feeder

Option 1: Pre-built package


Option 2: Build from source code

## Install required packages (dependencies and build tools)
sudo apt update  
sudo apt install -y git curl build-essential debhelper python-dev python3-dev   

## Download source code
git clone https://github.com/mutability/mlat-client.git   

## Build mlat-client's installation package
cd mlat-client   
sudo apt install -y dh-python   
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc   

## Above command will take some time to build package. 
## After the package is built, install it by following command
cd ../
sudo dpkg -i mlat-client_*.deb   




In step 6.1 of your original post, will it be obvious which dongle is which? I’ve got both blue and orange dongles.


The Blue dongle has a 1090 Mhz filter builtin, and will perform poor for 978 Mhz, but good for 1090 Mhz. Use Blue dongle for 1090 Mhz by serializing it with 8-digit serial number 00001090.

The Orange dongle has no builtin filter and will work good for both 1090 Mhz and 978 Mhz. Use Orange dongle for 978 Mhz by serializing it with 8-digit serial number 00000978.

Do not plug both dongles simultaneously to RPi when serializing. Plug only one dongle in RPi and serialize it. Put a sticker on it and write the serial number with which you have serialized it.

After serializing first dongle, unplug it and plug the other dongle and serialize it. Put a sticker on it and write the serial number with which you have serialized it.

After serialization, dongles are required to be unplugged, then replugged in RPi and RPi rebooted to pick the serial numbers.

If later you want to check serial number of the dongles, do this:

(1) Install package rtl-sdr

sudo apt install rtl-sdr  

(2) Keeping plugged only one dongle, give following commands. The last command will display dongle’s serial number

sudo systemctl stop piaware dump1090-fa dump978-fa   
rtl_test -t

(3) Unplug first dongle and plugin second dongle and again give above two commands to display second dongle’s serial number.

(4) Plug-in both dongles

(5) Reboot RPi


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followed your guide and all works great on Raspberry pi Zero 2.



What is the package that supplies the status update on the console?

I did the original installs using the scripts.


It is piaware-web



Script install for piaware-web is also available


After installation is completed, in your browser go to IP-OF-PI to see the web interface

Hmmm, I did that but I don’t see anything going out to tty1.

After copy-pating the command in terminal and pressing Enter key, it will generate lot of output, till it completes installation. Then you have to open your browser and point it to address IP-OF-PI to see the web interface in browser. After installation, there will be nothing going to tty.


If you want to see status in tty, run following commands

sudo systemctl status piaware  

sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa  

sudo systemctl status dump978-fa  

The How-To in first post of this thread was for ver 6.1 and is outdated now. It has been replaced by How-To for ver 7.0. Please see this post:



Thanks @abcd567
I used the above instructions to build and install 6.1 on bullseye but now I want to use the 7.0 packages you have made available - Must I first uninstall 6.1 and if so how do I uninstall 6.1?


No need to uninstall ver 6.1.

After adding my repository for ver 7.0 (first 3 commands of How-To), issue command sudo apt install piaware and sudo apt install dump1090-fa. The apt is smart, and will install latest version 7.0 over old version 6.1, and all your configurations (feeder-id, gain setting, etc) for ver 6.1 will be transferred to ver 7.0 :slight_smile:


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