Odroid N2 & Airspy - Now running!

Ok . I’ll use the script :slight_smile: I wasn’t doubting the script. I just wanted to wrap my head around why things were different. Thanks for the explanation.

Update: changed my mind. The auto script apparently didn’t like the arm64 architecture, stating “Unable to download a program version for your platform!”. So i’ll just do it manually.


Oh indeed, i put that in when this thread was current and a solution was not yet found.

Anyway you’ll have it configured in no time, it’s only two configuration files, right?
Oh and piaware but that’s easy.

I guess i should just make it a warning or something and continue the rest of the setup.

Wait that message shouldn’t appear for you.
What does this command return?

uname -m

Is there any chance that as part of that failed automatic script, it would have removed dump1090-fa in its entirety? OR, is dump1090-fa not installed as part of the piaware-builder build? I thought it was there (before I ran the automatic script), but I’m not sure. Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it was never installed.


My script shouldn’t remove dump1090-fa.

piaware-builder is for the piaware package only.
Nothing to do with dump1090-fa.

Thanks for pointing out.
In my above post, I have now

sudo dpkg -i piaware_3.7.1_armhf.deb

sudo dpkg -i piaware_3.7.1_*.deb

Now it will work with .deb package of any architecture

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Doh. I guess I need to install dump1090-fa then. Is there a way to install dump1090-fa similar to how installed piaware? Or, will i need to use adsbreceiver.net script or something like that?


Might be able to just install the armhf version.

But again i don’t understand why my script failed, it shouldn’t have.

What does this say:

uname -m
uname -m | grep -i arm 

mike@odroidn2:~$ uname -m


mike@odroidn2:~$ uname -m | grep -i arm

(nothing returned)


Interesting :slight_smile:
I’ll let that count as arm because it is arm64 with a different name or something.

Wait 3 minutes and try the script again.
It will also attempt to install dump1090-fa if not installed.

Ok LOL. At this point (if you were me, but you didn’t want to start from scratch), what route would you take to get dump1090-fa installed ? Or should I install dump19090-somethingelse?


I’m not sure if the armhf dump1090-fa will work but it doesn’t hurt to try:

cd /tmp
wget -q http://flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/files/packages/pool/piaware/p/piaware-support/piaware-repository_3.7.1_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i piaware-repository_3.7.1_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install dump1090-fa

abcd567 has a similiar howto for compiling dump1090-fa, it’s simpler than piaware-builder actually.
(in case this doesn’t work)

Looks like it’s running (both piaware and dump1090-fa). So I’ll wrap up configuration.

Thanks for the help, all of you!


And those prescriptions are the version I used. I used those scripts to install 1090-fa, then 978-fa, and then piaware-builder. Works (almost) like charm. It doesn’t take too long, and now I run the arm64 version on Ubuntu bionic on the N2.

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Did you try the config script again or are you just doing it manually now?
It should no longer error out for you just in case you want to use it.

Do you have it running on the airspy already?

Sorry, I had the opporunity to leave work early, and I didn’t look back. No, I did not try the config script again. I completed the configuration using the manual instructions. Everything is running - Airspy, piaware, dump1090-fa, mlat, modesmixer2. Of course I’m only getting about 10 planes since I am using a 770 mhz yagi on it right now. Tomorrow I’ll switch my “real” antenna setup over to the Odroid, will change the feeder ID, and I should be in good shape.



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Due to lack of reliability of the UAT, I decided to remove the UAT from the N2. The N2 only has 1090 and the 978 is now on an RPI. But, I am not able to have piaware on the N2 understand that it needs to stop looking for 978. I have changed the configuration for /etc/default/dump978-fa to enabled=no. I have disabled and mask the dump978. Yet, PiAware keeps telling me:

Jul 06 23:25:06 odroid piaware[2333]: no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30978 for 250 seconds, next check in 60s

What do I need to do for Piaware to stop looking for 978?

piaware-config uat-receiver-type none
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Quot from QuickStart Guide:



Ok, I am planning to upgrade my Odroid set up, from a XU4 (which is working with an Airspy, my top unit) to a N2. Can I hope that all I need to do is to swap the SD card from the XU4 to the N2 and all will be well??? (Note the posts re ARM64 issues)The only other thing I will have to worry about, is adding a new N2 MAC address for Flightaware purposes.

Piaware doesn’t care about the MAC