NWA diversion??

can anyone expain why a NWA A320 went from ORF- DCA?? Was it a diversion?


Appears they diverted to ORF first. Then resumed their normal flight to DCA. I can’t find any reason why. Weather? Inflight emergency? Drunk passengers cart surfing? Stranded RJ passengers in ORF? :confused:

it looked like there were 2 flights a few minutes apart from meach other

We had some pretty nasty storms in the DCA area Tuesday afternoon. I’m thinkin’ the 2nd flight was a continuation of the 1st. Notice how the 1st one ends in a holding pattern near DCA. Perhaps one controller hastily sent an arrival message just before another controller ordered the plane to hold, or maybe sometime while the plane was holding. The 2nd flight’s origin (KOTT) is actually the Nottingham VOR which is south of DCA. After holding for some time, I guess the crew decided to head for an alternate. Just an hypothesis.