Now the Terminally Stupid A**holes are the fashion police! … irl-outfit

The TSA is under fire again … this time for allegedly humiliating a teenage girl for her outfit. The supposedly scantily clad girl claims she was shamed by a TSA employee who told her to ‘cover up.’

Read more: … z2Wd478TR4

As the father of a 19 year old girl, I agree…

You may agree but its none of TSA Freaking business.

That’s correct. I would hope you’d both feel that way if someone came up on the street and did the same thing. Treating this as TSA specific is beyond stupid because it’s not. Now if this were some TSA edict, I can see the indignation with them. This was some crotchety a-hole who had an opinion he had to share. It had and has nothing to do with the TSA. A slow news day or just consider the source of the story.

As someone whos High school Forced uniforms b/c of girls (and some guys…) that dress like that, I also agree.

This is yet another example of the idiots that are hired by the TSA. The only requirements for a TSA are US citizenship and high school graduation.

By the way, I don’t think what the girl wearing was “scantly clad.” Not by a long shot! It also wouldn’t surprise me if the TSA agent was a Muslim who thinks unless a woman is fully covered then she is a slut.

Long thread on, 12 pages of:
“The TSA worker was wrong, no he wasn’t, yes he was”
“The girl was wrong, no she wasn’t, yes she was”

At the end of which nobody has changed their opinion.
So why bother?

Pull down your skirt, your bias is showing…

Until someone comes up with a palatable alternative to the TSA (background checks, et. al.) the TSA is here to stay… if someone doesn’t like it, the can choose not to interface with them by using other modes of transportation…

Yep. by flying anything non Part 121 operations. Skirt the TSA completely.

That makes baggage claim that much easier as well… It’s all at the back of the plane. :wink:



Perhaps not: … ue/276267/

Interesting article!

a border patrol agent is fully authorized by the Government to "board and search any Vehicle, Boat, Aircraft, dog sled, ect… without a warrant or probable cause.

And just think… that has absolutely nothing to do with the TSA… hard to believe…

And with that, I have to agree with another person in that article:

I have to wonder by what nebulous authority the Border Patrol can, with legal justification, search a flight originating within the United States (Calaveras County Airport) and flying to an airport in Oklahoma. Neither airport is international. Neither airport is particularly close to an international border. The pilot did not exit US airspace during his flight.

What part of either airport, what part of the flight, what action by the pilot could allow the BP to consider Cordell Municipal Airport in Oklahoma to be functionally equivalent to the border?
These actions strike me, on their face, as an abuse of power.

While any airport can be an ‘international’ airport, as long as Customs is available at the field in question, the closest airport to KCPU (Calaveras) that has Customs available, is KSMF. For Cordell? It’s a crapshoot between OKC and Amarillo for Customs. It’s a good hour’s drive, if not longer to both airports. Same with Corsicana from KDFW or KDAL.

So there really was no reason for Border Patrol, nor Customs to flag this guy down and search. He may have wanted to drop it, but on the other hand, he should press with reasons as to why, because if this goes unchecked, it’s going to keep happening until someone does something about it.


Pull down your skirt, your bias is showing…

Both CBP and TSA are part of DHS.

Correct. It is. But the subject at hand was concerning the TSA not the DHS. picking nits? Perhaps.

For the record I am not fan of the TSA. It’s a hassle and probably security theater. But until someone come up with something else, bitching about it is akin to screaming at the sky when it rains.

Except for the fact that the TSA is edging its way into other modes of transportation such as trains, buses, and even the private automobile. Do a little research and you’ll find out that this is true.

The TSA, like 99% of all government agencies, will exist forever. Once they have accomplished their mission they’ll (all government agencies) will find another “crisis” to ensure their survival at the expense of the overtaxed American taxpayer.

Don’t need to research. I travel weekly. Mostly air. Sometimes train. If I didn’t want the TSA involved in my life, I’d drive it. If they start showing up in my garage or at the tollbooths I’ll really start to worry.

That’s already happening … 93332.html

Few people know that $105 million of their taxpayer dollars are going to fund 37 VIPR teams in 2012, whose purpose is to “augment” the security of any mode of transportation. They don’t realize that these VIPR teams can show up virtually anytime, anywhere and without warning, subjecting you to a search of your vehicle or person.

TSAs next project


That’s already happening … 93332.html

Few people know that $105 million of their taxpayer dollars are going to fund 37 VIPR teams in 2012, whose purpose is to “augment” the security of any mode of transportation. They don’t realize that these VIPR teams can show up virtually anytime, anywhere and without warning, subjecting you to a search of your vehicle or person.

TSAs next project

Can they? Yes. Have they? No.[/quote]