An antenna is unlikely to have issues as it’s a passive device, no active electronics.
There can be water ingress into the coax or the antenna but not indoors.
It’s likely that either the SDR is going bad or that the power supply is bad.
If you get no output for this command the power supply is likely not the issue:
sudo dmesg --ctime | grep voltage
So … most likely is that the SDR isn’t working properly anymore.
Yea, no messages came back from running that command.
I’ll swap the receivers around tomorrow and see if the results are the same.
I don’t think I changed any settings on either of them on the 20th either.
The dongle can receive RF signals (and noise) in the range of about 24 MHz ~ 1800 Mhz.
To check noise picked by antenna in this range, unplug your dongle from RPi, plug into a Windows computer (with antenna connected to dongle) and run following scan:
Below are scans at my urban location with lot of Cell/mobile antennas on top of my building and adjuscent buildings, as well as many strong TV & FM stations.
Scan 1 of 3 - FA Antenna + Generic DVB-T (no internal or external filter)
Just to give an update, its indeed not the antenna but possibly noise from something near by.
Here are 2 scans I did the top one with out an FA filter and the bottom with the FA filter.
The filter did help a little bit, I also went over the logs I keep and I did run the update and restart Piaware command from the FA website on that day but I don’t have any detailed info if the drop was before or after I ran the update as I did not have any graphs setup.
Anyway, I’m slowly tuneing the gain back to where its optimal again and will eventually move the antenna to a shed outside (waiting on a solar panel kit and some batteries to arrive)
An extra update, I ended up replacing the USB hub I used to power the PI and the PI itself and this resolved the rest of the issues I was having.
Based off the USB power meter I used, the power supply was very inconsistent and this is just a guess was also being a little noisy.
Time to buy a some spare PIs incase this happens again