New Very Happy Member

Hey there everyone! Just wanted to submit a quick post to greet you all as a day old member of this website. I am absolutely loving it too! :smiley: I found it as I was keen to track a flight a relative was making yesterday from YSSY to YYVR and couldn’t believe how much information it could tell you.

I’m a fanatic for Aviation, or an AVGEEK, in other words! So feel free to get in touch if you’d just like to have a chat about anything related. At the moment I’m excited about the new Boeing planes that are in R&D (sorry Airbus fans).

I look forward to hearing from any of you around the world soon!

Cheers, Ollie

No need to be sorry - what type of airplane is it if there’s no yoke and you must let George (computer) do the flying all the time?

Not quite sure if it’s what you were suggesting, but no I sadly am not a pilot nor have a license. I’m just an avid fan of planes, airports and aviation in general. There’s so much I’m wishing to learn though! :slight_smile:

Airbus aircraft have a joystick while Boeing’s have a traditional yoke. Compare this picture of an Airbus A320 cockpit with one of a 737 cockpit.

Thanks mate…definitely prefer the Boeing yoke! I mostly ignore the Airbus on MS FSX…simply what I find more natural. :slight_smile:

Greetings Ollie, also looking forward to Uniteds first 787 to come to Denver International Airport in August! It will fly KDEN-RJAA route! :smiley:

Welcome to Flight Aware Ollie.


yehey! another happy member…

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Welcome, Ollie!

Although, I feel completely new here too… but I agree. I can’t believe how awesome this site is, for so many reasons. Flight tracking, news, photos… A mobile app… I’m sure there’s more I haven’t even discovered yet.

As you say you’re looking forward to hearing from anyone around the world: Greetings from California! I’d love to visit your half of the world at some point.

Cheers back at you,


Greetings from Texas! I am relatively new here as well and specialize in aviation photography. I have run of our little field. Sometimes some real surprises come in like RC-135s, 757s and some large cargo jets from the Air Force and Navy. Once or twice I have caught cargo craft from the Royal Air Force and one or two planes from Ukraine (rare). Welcome aboard.