I just got everything set up last night. I have a FlightAware Pro Stick Plus running on a Raspberry Pi 4B (8 GB) with Bookworm. I’m feeding data but FlightAware doesn’t like something with my MLAT. I keep getting this message on my stats page banner…
“This feeder is not being used for multilateration because its timing information appears to be unreliable. This can be caused by the site location being incorrect, or because your Pi is running out of free CPU.
After restarting the Pi, it goes green for a little while and then the “View Anomalies” appears again with the message above. CPU, memory, temperature, voltage, etc. are all fine on the Pi. Nothing else is running on it.
I found some similar posts from quite a while ago but none of them really gave a root cause.
Any thoughts or suggestions how to troubleshoot?