New features - some examples required perhaps?

Umm, sorry for being stupid but can you explain this better please as it makes no sense to me whatsoever. The “we will display flights that are more revelant than other flights” piece in particular. :confused: :confused: :confused: Surely you should be displaying all flights, not just the ones that you think are relevant/“interesting”? :confused: :confused:

FlightAware now offers airline schedules well in advance of the 30 minute - 2 hour window previously displayed. Users can view airline schedules many hours before a flight is scheduled to depart.


Surely a flight will (should) only show when a flight plan has been filed? Are you now saying that you are going to be predicting flights that may or may not happen now? :confused:

FlightAware is now projecting estimated departure times for many flights. This feature is in beta, but users can expect to see the EDT amended based on traffic, weather, and other conditions. When viewing a future flight, FlightAware may announce a delay such as “(Delayed about 29 minutes)” for a yet-to depart flight.

Same comment as above. :confused:

Have there actually been any useful improvements, like filtering by airline and type for example? :wink: :smiley:

I do not entirely understand your question. However, if N12345 flew PDK-HOU yesterday and is flying HOU-SMO in 30 minutes, pulling up the flight page for N12345 will now show the future/scheduled HOU-SMO leg rather than the PDK-HOU leg.

I have no idea how you reached this conclusion.

Believe it or not, FlightAware is projecting, calculating, estimating, and making “best guesses” about everything you see. It’s actually really hard. The real-time estimates and decision making (of course it’s not perfect) are part of what make FlightAware so popular. Anticipating inevitable delays is just a new feature.

Just because you don’t understand them doesn’t mean they’re not useful. :slight_smile:

Okay I’m with you now. That’s a useful feature as keying in the ARCID didn’t used to show planned flights and you had to manually search the airfield’s scheduled departures list.


[quote]FlightAware now offers airline schedules well in advance of the 30 minute - 2 hour window previously displayed. Users can view airline schedules many hours before a flight is scheduled to depart.



Surely a flight will (should) only show when a flight plan has been filed? Are you now saying that you are going to be predicting flights that may or may not happen now? :confused:

I have no idea how you reached this conclusion.

:confused: It was a simple enough question. Your statement makes no sense. How exactly can you show schedules of flights that haven’t filed a flight plan? Have you suddenly become psychic?


If you just asked questions more directly, you’d get a better response. We show the schedules from . . . the schedules.

If you explained things better in the beginning then such questions wouldn’t arise! :laughing: :smiley: :laughing: :smiley: :laughing: :smiley: .

I personally think that the implementation of you predicting flights that may or may not happen is a seriously backwards step. Flightaware is a tracking site and therefore should be based on fact, not fiction. If people want to know airline schedules they can contact the airline themselves or use one of the 1000 sites on the web that already cover this area. :bulb:

There is no “fact” in flight tracking. However, that you think so is a huge compliment to all the work here to make the data reliable. Thanks for your feedback.

I have to agree. My local airport is now showing several days worth of proposed flights instead of the usual two or three that are actually enroute or actually going to depart. Also there is no more useful information shown about a proposed flight then what was provided before. It now shows a mix of new and old information and it’s very confusing.

The ASDI feed is as close to fact as you will ever get. Yes, it does contain some errors but on the whole it is “fact”.

However, that you think so is a huge compliment to all the work here to make the data reliable. Thanks for your feedback.

:smiley: I love it when people try the guilt trip route! All the work you guys do is appreciated but I’m not going to change what I’ve written to something you want to hear so that you can feel better about yourself! :wink:

You’re a funny guy.