Good day to everybody.
I am getting an incredible strange situation and not able to face/solve it.
Setup 1:
1 Raspberry Pi 3B+
1 FA Prostick Plus
1 coax adapter SMA-BNC
1 BNC male connector for coax cable Ecoflex10 (rx side)
18 meters coax cable Ecoflex10
1 N male connector for coax cable Ecoflex10 (antenna side)
Several antennas tested: FA ADSB Antenna 66’ / GP1090 Slovakian ADSB antenna / DPD Antenna ADSB
3.8.1 PiAware version
Antenna is well connected to its cable and installed in a mast telescopic pole 4 meters above roof.
If I connected right well all connectors male to their female (N and BNC, SMA and so on),
air traffic received by this setup drop to 0 zero… with 0 or 0.1 msg/sec indicated.
If I make micrometric movement going OUT from female connector (prostick plus side), I find a right position where air traffic signals are received, airplanes are plotted and msg rate raise till 100/200 msg/sec (depends time)!
Male connector is just a little inside its female connector of the coax adapter BNC to SMA, not well inside.
What hell is happening?
Connectors are well done and tested.
Cable is new.
Connecting same antenna/cable/connector to an old Kinetic SBS-1, it works like a charme with no any “game” to do in the coax connector, a BNC well connected, that’s all.
Tested with other Raspberry, other Prostick Plus… same strange problem.
I’ve tested another setup with other hardware different from setup 1.
Setup 2:
1 Raspberry Pi 3B+
1 Prostick Plus
1 pigtail SMA to N female
1 N connector Messi&Paoloni for Ultraflex7 coax cable
10 meters of Ultraflex7 coax cable
1 N connector Messi&Paoloni for Ultraflex7 coax cable
Several antennas tested: FA ADSB Antenna 66’ / GP1090 Slovakian ADSB antenna / DPD Antenna ADSB
3.8.1 PiAware version
different location in my home, different Mast Telescopic Pole (there is a disconnected V dipole just installed)
Keeping a bit out the N connector, just 1 or 2 turns, WORKS, if I continue to turns it and make a stable connection with its female… DROP TRAFFIC, 0 messages.
When I connect to these setups the little SBS-1 antenna with magnetic base mount, ALL WORKS very well (just limit of this small antenna).
What happening ???
I made thousands tests, remade all connectors, tested, and so on!
Thanks for any help