Just booted my Raspberry Pi up after being switched off.
Now it shows for today’s date that quite a few aircraft have been reported on ADB-S, MLAT and other but the Coverage graph, if I reduce that to 12 hours shows nothing.
Why would this be? Surely if quite a few aircraft are shown as reported shoud the coverage graph not show some details?
I don’t know a lot about the homemade receivers, but I do fancy myself pretty well versed in “Civil Aviation Surveillance Systems”. So just so I understand what you’re saying, you had a receiver that was unplugged and without power. Once you activated it, you suddenly had a big chunk of flight track data?
So, I’m thinking that when you turned it on, or soon after you had it connected to the Internet somehow, yeah? I’m thinking that once it booted up, it did some sort of “phone home” type command and pulled a data packet batch file and processed those tracks. Your system may not be able (or configured) to parse by date that it was created and transmitted. Instead it seemed to parse by the date your system received it. The fact that you see any type of MLAT data, unless you’re configured in Flightaware somehow, tells me it pulled the data from elsewhere as well.
I’d need to see the data to really give you an answer, but I suspect the problem has worked itself out by now.
thank you for reply, my mistake, being new to the Flightaware I was misunderstanding it’s capabilities. The chart shows positions for ‘last 24 blues’ and thought I could change it to 12 hours but it seems they are 24 hour chunks and one merely changes the date.
Really enjoying the fascinating experience as my home. is close enough to Heathrow to see many aircraft but far enough away that they are not annoying